Nice interview with Obama, but ...

David Letterman is so quick with a comedic jibe and so hard to interpret as to whether he is serious or being sarcastic that his interviews take too much energy to listen to.

The same comments from Obama that we all have heard before, no real criticisms, and why would Obama subject himself to that, but as I watched the interview today I could tell they were pulling out all the stops to try to lend the show some gravitas, but I think Americans, at least me, all we want to know or hear from any Clinton or Obama is why did you you Democrats pave the way for Trump, and such a line of questioning was not in this show.

I have an ambiguous feeling about Obama. On the one hand there is his accomplishments that were substantial, fixing the economy, and ObamaCare, but he did nothing to fight or rail against the extreme right which as the Democrats move toward the right the extreme right moves off the charts. He did nothing, and his condescending tone about Trump never becoming President was 1000% wrong.

They are trying to put a glow on Obama as they did with the Clintons, and it only serves to make people mad I think, at least most people who are caught in America's inequality bind and losing year by year.

The Democrats are not doing anything and neither do they suggest anything, but blind hope, and in that regard Obama did not accomplish anything and through his passiveness he allowed the right to whip itself up into a really dangerous frenzy, and look what we have now.

But back to Letterman, he can be funny, but David Letterman is just not meant for serious interviews. He sounds like a teenager trying hard to serious and sincere, sporting the Santa Claus beard like it is the sign of some kind of wisdom.

I'd have to say I am disappointed, and do not see much value in the show. If I had to say what I wanted and thought would be great for the country would be a new talk show with Phil Donahue. David Letterman is fake news, a fake Liberal, a superficial guy and we will get nothing of substance from this show.



I wonder how well Netflix's ratings have been so far for this show. I used to admire Letterman greatly in the 80's when he was on NBC and his material was edgier than it was on CBS. Still, his first two episodes are with two supposedly popular bourgeois icons. Obama and Clooney. I tried to watch the one with Obama but I got sick of his "suave" routine when he was in the White House. I couldn't watch more than a few moments of Obama gloating about hobnobbing with Oprah and Tom Hanks on Richard Branson's yacht. And I definitely don't care to hear anything from Council on Foreign Relations member George Clooney. I would rather Letterman return to the cynical, absurdist humor he started out doing, not this pandering to wealthy icons of the pseudo-left.


I watched the first interview just to see if Obama would express some kind of clue as to how bad he screwed over the Democrats and what a failure he was, even though he was better than any of the Republicans would have been. That is a pattern we are having to get used to. They sell us some BS marketed candidate and they proceed to just go to PR events, sound bites, play their role in distracting the country. What can he do unless he is honest with the American people? I don't think anything.

I don't really understand it, Letterman had some kind of charmisma that stuck with him even though he plays the dope, and was outed as using his interns are a brothel. About midway through the Clooney show I realized I have better things to do and don't really care about Dave and his dumb ass beard.

I don't mind hearing about real stuff, I'd prefer it, but I just don't think they will say anything. TV is like the insulation of a cable, it seems to be all about preventing information from the government, industry and academia even to make it out into the public.



I didn't watch the first episode. Nothing against Obama, but I just don't care what he or any other politician has to say. Just the idea of watching an interview with any ex-president makes me bored out of my mind. I liked the Clooney interview so I'm going to keep watching this if the guests are good.


Just when I thought Letterman's show couldn't get any worse, his latest episode features CIA concoction Malala Yousafzai, presented without irony. You would think a Nobel Peace Prize winner would be a source of national pride. Try telling that to citizens of Pakistan and specifically Swat Valley where she supposedly comes from. Nobody believes the official story over there because its timeline doesn't add up when you investigate it. This girl was thrust in front of Western cameras, already quite rehearsed on how to comport herself and what to say, Her rhetoric consists of blandly humanitarian appeals to Western values like providing education for women. The "Taliban" (whatever they are nowadays) play the bad guys in this scripted scenario, because it makes average Americans say to themselves "Taliban? Oh yeah, those guys who did 9/11. How dare they shoot a young girl in the head just because she wants to go to school!" An average Joe American would come away from the Malala story with renewed support for his country's imperialism overseas committed in the name of "humanitarianism" and "democracy". It is worth noting that Malala received her Nobel in the same era as Obama won one undeservedly after only a few months in office. Peace Prize committee head Thorbjorn Jagland became the first head of the committee to be terminated because the Prize's global integrity was seriously called into question during those years. It is not surprising a Malala Yousafzai with her fake narrative was allowed to take home the same prize as warmonger Obama. Here is a good rule of thumb: if someone is endorsed by Madonna or Oprah Winfrey, you can bet they are probably full of shit.

