MovieChat Forums > Bodyguard (2018) Discussion > was going well until the last episode an...

was going well until the last episode and then... lol

The last episode was akin to the last season of the Game of Thrones - utter clusterfuck. To drive this comparison further, the lead actor in this also played a big role in the GOT.

Now I wonder if these 2 series had the same script writers - lol
How the heck do you fuck it up so badly in the end, while doing so well for most of the series? WTF?!
This also makes it hard to give it a rating - when the series is going well for 87% percent off the time and then just falls off the cliff in the end for no apparent reason, what score do you give?
If it had a well written ending as the first 5 episodes, I'd give it an 8. The last episode forces me to rate the entire thing as 5/10.

PS. for anyone wondering - the problem with the last episode was that characters went off the rails and started acting completely illogically. Then there was this waaaay too easily given confession - in fact, 2 confessions, one of which made no sense at all, if you think about it. There's more, but basically... it was a clusterfuck.


Regarding Craddock's confession: There was nothing wrong with it. She knew she was caught. She was mature enough to know she got caught playing the game. She had no reason to hold out. But I did have an issue with the terrorist dude (Aikens) just showing up at her house. No one in his profession would take a chance on busting his "insider", especially when you consider how hot everything was at the time. Idiotic writing.

Regarding Nadia's confession: I think she knew it was the end game, and all had been exposed, and she had been busted. So her ego took over. She couldn't wait to make a "superior" man look stupid. That was probably something she had been itching to do since she had been caught. It does make sense.
