MovieChat Forums > Your Honor (2020) Discussion > Bryan Cranston's Running Pace was unfeas...

Bryan Cranston's Running Pace was unfeasible

Just watched half of the first episode and I've got to say if this continues to feature (which I think it will giving his marathon training), I'm going to struggle with the unrealistic nature of this.

His pace running up to that house I estimate was ~ or even under 6 minute mile pace. I know they've got the hood up to hide the actual (much younger) runner but no way a guy his age is doing that in the MIDDLE of his run.

We can surmise that must be the case because as a Judge there is no way he is living within at least a couple of miles of that project, and he then had to continue on to his city centre court offices. I'm saying conservatively at least a four mile run. However, he said he was marathon training so probably longer.

No way he is running at that pace. They really dropped the ball here.


Just watching him run is sorta boring so they don't want it to go on too long.
