Ben's flashback

So, when exactly is Ben's flashback supposed to take place? When It taunts Ben at the school, is he supposed to be in summer school? Otherwise it makes no sense.


Adult Ben walks to the school and there is a big sign saying "WELCOME DERRY SUMMER SCHOOL STUDENTS" (the same sign, in fact, that announced the 7pm curfew in IT 1) so yes, I guess so. Also, the other kids pick on Young Ben in class, so they're probably resentful at being there.


I thought Ben was a smart kid, but maybe being the new kid and bullied he had to go to summer school. I just thought it was weird and came out of no where, since in the first movie he was always going to the library and never mentioned summer school.


Don't some students go to summer school for extra-curricular activities? Ben became an architect, and he did say he was signing on to some course to do so, so maybe that's it?


Ben was new in town. I moved a lot as a kid too. My guess would be he was in summer school to catch up on the local curriculum. Depending on the state schools have different curriculum and requirements. I was often behind in school due to moving so much.
