It is one of the better endings in a recent film and in general I liked it better than you did. I dig fantasy stuff and they nailed the brother characters.


I saw it today. Great film, beautiful animation, and emotionally satisfying. My rating is an 8/10.


I watched Onward in it's entirety on Disney+ and it was fantastic and Disney/Pixar did an awesome job on it. My favorite characters were The Manticore because she had a ton of attitude and had a personality all her own and also she reminded of my great aunt because when my great aunt was still alive she did her hairstyle like The Manticore and she even had the same hair color as The Manticore too and of course Ian and Barley "though in my eyes Ian is my crush because he is cute". Though Disney/Pixar had high hopes for Onward in theaters i'm glad that Disney moved it to Disney+ because I finally got to watch it. In fact my mother and my dad want to watch it someday soon because it's great

