
So this grabber just kidnaps victims, plays a Saw-like game with them, toys with them before killing them. Room is sound proof and in the basement where he one day intentionally leaves the door open for the kid/s to try to escape. Once they try to escape, he is there waiting for them upstairs with a daddy beats yo'ass to death belt. Only reason it doesn't happen in this movie is because of the so-called black phone that for some reason holds the souls of the previous dead victims that warns/spirit guides the protagonist not to fall for the trap door and the things they've done to try to escape. They devise a plan to eventually kill the grabber. The end. That's it? Both kids have some special spiritual power from their mom.

I hear it relies heavily on jump scares to give some aspect of horror to the show.


Not really sure what your question is here.
Movie's not really a horror movie. A couple jump scares. Some eerie imagery. But it's mainly a suspense thriller.

The plot is basically, kid gets kidnapped by a serial child-killer. Kid appears to get phone calls from the previous dead victims who give advice and suggestions. He tries to escape.* That's it.

But like any movie, there's more to it, like the kid's relationship to his father and peers, and the character arc that stems from his inadequacy there. The side-stories with his sister and her clairvoyance add filler to the story though don't really add much to the primary narrative. The movie was based on a very simple short story; the movie adds more personality and depth to all the characters involved. But the narrative isn't particularly complex, though few horror movies are.


Hmm, I see, thx for the clarification.
