Set Video

For anyone who is interested:


I watched several of these set videos and I found them simply awe-inspiring. I was at all these locations a few months back, and seeing them being transformed like this is just surreal.

The settings alone make me want to see the film (great cast and premise obvs). Gotta give Tarantino his props for this.


Cool man, glad you liked that.

It's always interesting how filmmakers can roll back time by taking modern-day locations and transforming them into something from the past. I have some movie-making aspirations of my own and I'd love to direct a period piece.

I am really looking forward to the movie. Pitt, Leo and Tarantino all working together? Sign me up!

Sucks we have to wait until July to see it.


It is a bit of a long wait until next summer alright. However, I have no doubt the wait will ultimately be worth it. Of course, that all depends on how the movie turns out (very small chance it’ll be underwhelming).
