Weak start

to final season. I'm glad it's the last, since they don't seem to have many bullets left in their storytelling. These Villanelle sideline subplots aren't working.


After the 3rd show this season it is becoming clear that they shouldn't have even tried a 4th season as this is complete shit. After the 2nd episode I thought maybe they could turn things around but they just went even further into a stinking pile of pooh. It is as if if they forgot why people watched it to begin with and somehow think Sandra Oh and the other side character matter to anyone.


I feel like you're right in a way. It would have been better to end it on the note season 3 ended on.


First episode, I couldn’t watch - it was so bad. Even the music selections were annoying. How does something so good get to this point? Don’t the writers have to storyboard the plot lines for the season in front of the creator of the series? This obsession to make Eve and Villanelle lovers ceases to have any meaning time after time. Even Carolyn isn’t Carolyn. And the writer of the 3rd season destroyed major characters like Kenny and Niko again for no reason and introduced a tiresome daughter of Carolyn’s. But S4 - Villanelle in a religious cult and the killing of the cat? I might just wait until the last episode airs, skip the middle episodes, and watch to see who’s left standing.


Sadly, I agree. The writing is subpar this season.
