Topsy and Bopsy

Per the final credits, they are the 2 demons pursuing Diana after the loathsome white cop put a curse on her. They are scary as Hell, a beautifully realized horror that, in my opinion, rivals if not surpasses any imagery in Kubrick’s “Shining.” The curse reminds me of Jacques Tournier’s classic “Night of the Demon” (aka, in condensed edit, as “Curse of the Demon”). I have to say that I am more impressed the more that I watch this. If “the devil is in the details,” which I believe, then Lovecraft Country pays strict attention to the details.

LOVED the conversation about the difference between magic and miracles. Remember, in Psalm 23: “Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.” The rod and staff are magical tools. The difference is that humankind needs tools to create at the cosmic level. The Lord God needs only Will.


they were the best part of the series so far


Agreed. I just rewatched the series. I can’t think of a thing they could have improved in the demon twins. The makeup, the facial expressions, the dancing were all spot on. Geez, they amazed me. Let’s give them their own show, even if it’s just an anthology series that has the twins woven into every story.
