MovieChat Forums > Us (2019) Discussion > Can some explain...I guess the deeper me...

Can some explain...I guess the deeper meaning of this movie?

So I just watched it...Incredibly disappointed.

afterwards I got on a few sites and read a few reviews to try to Understand exactly what went on...

and The thing That Astonishes me is...Im not sure I've ever watched a Movie that GIVES LESS ANSWERS to so many Important questions and plot points.

once I read the articles and reviews, and No One had answers to any of these questions because The Movie doesnt in fact give them....I wanted to conclude this Is just a horrible movie....

But apparently based on the reviews and articles I've read, This was DONE ON PURPOSE, The writer/Peele Intentionally wrote the movie to give no answers or Plot explanations....

So what I want to know is...why was this done and how Is it a good thing?

again I want to conclude this movie was awful and truly could be the worst example I've ever seen of literally NOT Explaining almost anything....But before I come to that conclusion....I'd like for some one to explain to me , since this was done Intentionally, why was it done, and am I somehow just missing why this is in fact good or clever writing...

the articles and reviews I read specifically note Peele goes out of his way NOT to give us answer to nearly all of our questions and KEY Plot Points...

for me this is infuriating, I cant even enjoy the movie SOLELY as a horror movie because The events and Plot points that take place in the film are so odd, so beyond belief, I cant enjoy the movie for a second because at every turn I'm wondering "wait hows that possible"...."wait How'd they do this"...

I'm completely open to maybe I'm just not seeing the deeper meaning here....and If thats the case, I'd like someone to explain it me before I conclude this truly is just a Terrible movie that doesnt make sense on any level



LOVED Get Out...

was a giant fan of Peele before watching this.

US was one of my most anticipated films of the year...


Essentially, the tethered represent the American underclass or disenfranchised who are tied/tethered to those of means in that those of means are in some fashion responsible for, and perpetuate, their oppression. In that way, one could say the higher classes are monsters which is the second thing the tethered represent: the dark side or underside of our nature that enables oppression or other questionable behavior.

In the scene where the families first meet Red's asked what they are and she growls, "We're Americans." She then speaks of her harsh existence in relation to Adelaide's cushy one.

In the same scene the boy looks at them and remarks "It's us." (Which is a clever play on US as is the title.) And we later learn that Adelaide is really Red, that the monster (or Adelaide's dark side) chose to injure and subjugate her good side to become a person of means, to rise.

In an interview Peele says: "I can't make this movie without asking myself that question: what are my demons? And I'd have to say, you know, I've lived a privileged life. I'm an American, grew up middle class, had an education, always been fed, always had shoes. And I've neglected what that privilege means in terms of the people who've suffered and continue to suffer so I can have it. We're connected to other people; somebody made these shoes. That was the part of the message I wanted to apply to the us of it, the United States, the nuclear family. We have an ability to cover-up what's uncomfortable for us to face about ourselves."


Very good explanation! Though I personally saw it more like a psychological thing: people living above represent the conscious self and those from the tunnels - the unconscious.


The Mashable piece I linked to below addresses your theory though I think Peele alludes to this in terms of the demons we suppress, or even repress, because we don't want to confront them. At the end we see how Red is remembering what she'd done to Adelaide, who she is, something she's suppressed or repressed, is both shocked and aghast, then seems to suppress or repress it again.

Some think "Us" was muddled, what others would call multi-layered, so there are different theories out there as to precisely what Peele was up to. And it can also be the case (which I think is a literary theory) that the author himself may not be fully aware of what his art bespeaks, that his subconscious is at play when he creates.

At base, though, I think the movie is about what I advanced, what Peele explains. But it's also true that denying our "dark side" and how it may be detrimental to others is something that can be applied to all areas of life, not just disenfranchised America. The Vox article I linked to below addresses this.


thank you ..but thats not what I'm asking...

I completely understand The message/under tone Peele is going for...

Instead I'm asking is....about the film itself and why he chose to make a film with NO ANSWERS...

The reviews and articles I've read said Peele intentionally wrote the movie so we would have NO ANSWERS to questions....

While watching This movie there are so many Questions about the details of what is going on and how any of these events are even remotely possible, and There arent even hints at possible answers....

for me, This makes the movie completely absurd, I cant enjoy it in the least because I feel many of The event and Plot points that take place are actually IMPOSSIBLE.

I could completely go with and understand it if this was nothing more than a Jason Blum Horror movie...But its clear the movie was intended to be More...

I want to believe This is just a terrible movie that the writer/peele Just Let get away from him ...

But before I conclude that, I need to understand How its possibly a good thing or good writing to Intentionally Write A movie with NO ANSWER to damn near every single Plot Point and Events that take place in the movie

again after watching the movie I went to sites completely expecting to read articles from SMARTER people than me explaining all the things I didnt understand.

Instead I got something completely unexpected and frankly IMO Absurd....NO ONE had answers to any of these questions and They then claimed we dont have answers because Peele intentionally wrote the movie so we wouldnt have answer to any questions

could someone please explain how this is good writing or clever writing?

for me Its completely absurd and renders the movie awful...but before I completely conclude that as my opinion...I would like to try to understand why Peele did this and how it could possibly be a good thing



While watching This movie there are so many Questions about the details of what is going on and how any of these events are even remotely possible, and There arent even hints at possible answers....

Well, Adelaide explains at the end how the Tethered came to be: ""It was humans that built this place. I believe they figured out how to make a copy of the body but not the soul. The soul remains one shared by two. They created the Tethered so they could use them to control the ones above like puppets. But they failed and they abandoned the Tethered."

That leaves a lot of questions unanswered but Peele isn't interested in the back story of the Tethered or any plot holes because the Tethered are a metaphor and "Us" an allegory.


(A carry over of my first reply.)

In a Guardian interview Peele says, “We are our own worst enemy. Not just as individuals but more importantly as a group, as a family, as a society, as a country, as a world. We are afraid of the shadowy, mysterious ‘other’ that’s gonna come and kill us and take our jobs and do whatever, but what we’re really afraid of is the thing we’re suppressing: our sin, our guilt, our contribution to our own demise … No one’s taking responsibility for where we’re at. Owning up, blaming ourselves for our part in the problems of the world is something I’m not seeing.”

There are many pieces out there analyzing the film such as this one at Mashable:

and this one at Vox:
