It was not Maskell...

Why do I believe that? Because he was too powerful and too insulated and protected to worry about the words or testimony of one powerless nun. Technically a former nun because she had left the school and become a lay teacher at another school.

They use big flowery language in the final episode of the Keepers that she was going to stop the abuse! Really how? She was not even teaching there any longer. She was not an eye witness to the actual sex.

All Catherine Cesnik could say to the media or in court testimony was second hand or hearsay.

The church would easily refute that and the MO of the church on matters like this would be to destroy her credibility. She was a lesbian who left the sisters to shack up with her girlfriend. She was no longer suitable to teach young girls etc.

Nothing she could say would have gotten Maskell arrested. He was a police chaplain! His brother was a state policeman!

The story sounds good at first. Heroic nun trying to protect young girls from being abused is murdered by evil priests!


