Penelope's drunkenness

After she finishes that entire bottle of vodka and falls onto the mattress from the roof, she's puking and incoherent (obviously), then Olivia gets the text from the chick who's hiding out (while Penelope is still vomiting in the background). They head out to find the girl immediately, and when they do, Penelope confronts her, walking and speaking coherently like she's 100% sober. The fuck?


Yeah as soon as she fell and survived that dare, they should have immediately rushed her to the ER for alcohol poisoning.


It happens sometimes, yeah, with alcohol or MJ.
Say you're completely wasted and suddenly you get some terrifying news - voila, you're sober in seconds.


Ehh, not if you've had THAT much. No amount of terrifying news can bring you around when you literally can't stand up or make a coherent sentence.


True, entire bottle of vodka is really a lot. I remember drinking one in half an hour then blacking out totally (I was very young though). However, for the sake of entertainment we could let this one slide )
