Color grading

Did anyone else find the first episode (I've yet to watch any of the rest of them) incredibly dim? Whatever color grading they used in post-production makes every shot look a bit washed out and lacking in contrast.


yes, i had to change the color setting on my tv. I understand wanting to create a mood and I guess they also kept it dark so you couldn't really get a good view of the ghosts. i felt the same with Ozark and how it is almost blueish.


Yeah I had to adjust my TV too. We spend a small fortune on 4K TV sets which boast "huge dynamic range" and "superb contrast" and then they go and make TV shows and movies that throw out all the color and contrast.


So you know, HDR only kicks on
when the program material has HDR information embedded in it.


I know, but I'm not referring to HDR content. Just griping about the palette choice of productions which insist on muted tones and washed-out colors that under-utilize the capabilities of modern TVs.
