Lights (SPOILERS!!!!!)

It just struck me...

the guy in the cellar, the original one.

He was sending Morse Code messages via the lights because of his RESPECT for Park (home owner).

Surely HAD anyone deciphered the messages (and it seems the kid did but the film doesnt use that discovery at all - as mentioned in another thread) it would have given his game away and his hiding place would have been reveealed and he would have been found, thrown out, found by the loan sharks etc? So why would he risk his future by signalling that he was down there?

Secondary to that, are we also to beleive that loan sharks are noble enough to not come after family members of a debtor that disspears ? [ This comes under suspension of belief for film/theratre so isnt a biggy. Just seems soewhat "decent" and "noble" !! ]

I fully accept I may have missed some nuance :-)



His wife was dying and he needed help.


he was sending messages before I thought? Stuff about "respect for Park" and so on?

That does make sense though. I probably got confused :-)



The guy in the cellar respected the owner and would send cryptic messages to him in Morse Code to thank or honor him. He also would turn on the lights as he entered the house every night. The owner assumed the lights turning on were from a sensor and he didn't recognize Morse Code.

Later, when the cellar guy's wife is dying, he sent Morse Code to get help, but the boy didn't understand the message even though he knew Morse Code. He wrote holp instead of help.


Thanks Keelai!


" would send cryptic messages to him in Morse Code to thank or honor him"

That's what I thought. Hence my original question. The cellar guy is hiding, unknownst to Park. All celler guy can acheive with his "respect and honour" messages tis flag to Park that something very odd is going on - there is no positive outcome fro sending the messages if understood by Park.



The rich wife observed the lights and said the sensors are acting crazy. Her husband likely thought the same. Another thing is that the guy sent Morse Code in different languages, English and Korean. I'm not sure which language he sent to the rich guy.



but that doesnt remove the point (which is my OP) that had the Parks cottoned onto the fact something odd was going on, that would have possibly ended with him being found. The whole point of him being there was to hide after all, in secret.

Seems nonsensical, whatever language and to whosoever he was sending "respect and honou" messages to.



How rational is a guy who has been hiding in a secret room for 3 years? Who worships Park by turning on the lights each night for him? He's odd and the Parks were a bit ditzy. Notice how they never had the "sensors" checked out.

If someone sent Morse Code to you in Korean would you understand it?

Too bad there isn't a novelization of the movie. I usually like to read them after I see a movie like this because it reveals the thoughts of the characters and I learn more about the story.


>>> If someone sent Morse Code to you in Korean would you understand it?


But I might wonder why my lights are flickering on and off and end up investigating it.

Ill go with the incarcerated for so loog he's lost all reason angle though :-)


It seems like he would only send these messages late at night when he knew the family was asleep. I think sending them was more for himself to show appreciation rather than for Mr. Park to actually decode and understand them. In the same way you make an altar for someone, you don't need them to see it for it to mean something to you.
