Mamma mia! It's-a awful!

Great movie for anybody who has never played Mario and wants to watch colorful animation on the screen with some lame ass 80s tune forced in and badly used (for no fucking reason whatsoever - the original scores are chockfull of wonderful tunes).

For anybody else, it's an awful movie.
They didn't get a single thing right:
The story is NOT there.
The characters are NOT there.
The sense of whimsical wonder is NOT there.
The lore is NOT there.
The music is NOT there.
The fun is definitely NOT there.

They were so short on everything they had to throw in Donkey Kong Country and Mario Kart to fill in 1h30min, and it's still sluggish and uninteresting. Fuck them.

And to top it off, they had to give it the hollywood treatment, meaning, fuck the source material: we know better! Change every character, most of the lore, put some "celebrity" pop, and use this lame story in place of the original one, not because this crap is any better, but just cause!

This reminded me of ready player one, that's how bad, uninspired and exploitative it was.

I am sorry Miyamoto put his name on this shitfest.


You're an idiot


You're a troll, and a shitty one at that.


At least I'm not miserable


No, you are:
you are a miserable little troll.


You still here Mr. Negative. Every one of your posts is ripping on someone or neg comment. Aren't you happy?


Still better than a miserable little troll like you.


Don't go through life angry Heisenberg. It's not worth it




Wow, it's amazing going through your other threads and seeing how often people call you out for being an idiot and a troll... as the saying goes, 'if it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck..."

Once again, obvious troll is obvious.


Once again, obvious troll is obvious.


Oh my god, you've just peaked in patheticness! Can't even come up with a better comeback than using mine! lol. Ask your mommy to hug you, you obviously need it...




The music was amazing, but you're right about everything else. It was a terrible and all around soulless commercial (stop calling it a movie) and that had nothing of value or entertainment made particularly for nostalgia-heavy nu-parents and dumb kids who get distracted by bright colored easily.

If you think I'm being "harsh" and rude, remember this is only a tiny fraction of the amount of contempt Nintendo had towards their movie-going fans to make this.


I don't know why people on this board have such an issue with others disliking the movie.

And I don't mean you, I'm talking about people like the one idiot above you (Kowalski) that keeps calling everyone Mr. Contrarian who don't think the movie is a 10/10 masterpiece. How dare people even remotely have a different opinion about a movie. What a joke.

As for me, I just watched the movie for the first time last night. I thought it was pretty alright. Great music and colorful as heck, but would it have killed them to add at least a shred of substance to the plot? I'm not exactly expecting a deep or complex plot from Mario of all things, but sheesh. The movie reminds me of going to a fair and eating a swirl of cotton candy on a stick. Nice and sugary in the moment, but it's pure fluff that vanishes in your mouth.


Wait a sec.
Nintendo owns some of the best music track ever composed in videogames history.
Some of those are in the Mario universe.

Yet, they BARELY hinted at some of those "tunes" in this crapfest (some for literally a few seconds only), but instead they badly used other unrelated music (like ACDC, A-ha, the track from Kill Bill etc) in the key moments, which was totally out of place and just a cheap pop reference for idiots, probably because they didn't think that the original Mario music offered what they wanted. Fuck them, they were extremely wrong.

Can you or Narwhale37 explain how the music was good/amazing in this?


The music should have been amazing, but missed.
Nintendo owns some of the best music track ever composed in videogames history.
Some of those are in the Mario universe.

Yet, they BARELY hinted at some of those "tunes" in this crapfest (some for literally a few seconds only), but instead they badly used other unrelated music (like ACDC, A-ha, the track from Kill Bill etc) in the key moments, which was totally out of place and just a cheap pop reference for idiots, probably because they didn't think that the original Mario music offered what they wanted. Fuck them, they were extremely wrong.

Can you explain how the music was good/amazing in this for you?
