Just watched this

Looked fantastic, big martial artist actors/actresses and loads of fights scenes, but overall it was a disappointment to me, the fight scenes just seemed average , no stand out fight moments, no pulse racing music, kinda of slow and some of the scenes just outrageous like the police station shooting.

Worth a watch just to see the big hitters but overall average movie could have been alot better, less like ong-bak, the raid or boyka, but more like headshot, skin trade and the assassin.


I watched it just to see Tony Jaa. I ended up being really impressed with Scott Adkins. I've never seen any of his movies. He has a nice style.

I wasn't disappointed in the movie because I wasn't expecting much. It was about what I thought. Decent enough to watch if you like this genre.


If you haven't already seen then you should watch Undisputed 2, 3, boyka and only just released movie avengement - this shows Scott Adkins at his best.
