MovieChat Forums > Terminator: Dark Fate (2019) Discussion > For U.S audiences... if you want to avoi...

For U.S audiences... if you want to avoid wasting your money, read the posts here before Nov 1st.

And then ask yourself: "Do I still want to spend my hard earned money to see a quick cash-in movie?"


For me the answer is, "yes." Going next Tuesday night and while I may leave the theater wondering why I did that to myself, I want to see Linda Hamilton play Sarah Connor one last time. I'm hoping that regardless how much I don't like the film, I will get a kick out of her in the role again. Too bad they're not killing her off - her character really does deserve a spectacular ending. I always thought the leukemia death in T3 was terrible.


"I want to see Linda Hamilton play Sarah Connor one last time."
Why? She's old enough to be a grandmother, and it's really embarrassing to see old people pretend to be as young and fit as they once were. Did no-one learn from Indiana Jones 4?


I don't think Linda pretends to be young or look young for that matter - she looks pretty rough to me, but still looks like she is in really good shape. I may not like the story line, but I'm curious to see what she does with the character.

I take it you, and probably most of the posters on this forum, are probably quite young. I saw the original Terminator in 1984 as an adult. Her age is not a factor to me. Perhaps viewing these movies though more mature eyes puts a different perspective on them - maybe not.

Through the years I've always gone to Terminator movies. I think T1 is just about perfect, T2 is great, but not perfect, and the rest I have enjoyed on different levels.

Screwing up a storyline is unforgivable to me, but I have never boycotted a movie and don't plan to start now.


The only reason I would suggest you boycott this or any movie is for one reason only: support.

By giving these people your money, you are financially supporting them and in a way, encouraging them to make another sequel to an already dead franchise. Sure, it;s just a movie right? What's the big deal?

The big deal is this: Hollywood is the number one propaganda machine in the world. These men in suits use Hollywood to disperse their ideologies through the media of movies. This has been an age-old tactic but it's gotten worse in the past 10 years.

This may or may not sound like insane talk to you, I dunno, but just know that by refusing to give Paramount/Miller/Cameron YOUR hard earned money, you are directly standing up against these soulless monsters. Cameron never cared about you, me or any Terminator fan. His name was only slapped on TDF so whatever money he makes from ticket purchases, he can funnel it into funding his FOUR Avatar sequels!

These horrible modern Hollywood films may suffer reputation wise, but they mostly still succeed financially. People are waking up and realizing that Hollywood is full of shite most of the time now, but they STILL pay to see the trainwreck. This isn't the way to do it. People need to acknowledge the film will be shite through research and trailers and then NOT go and see it. It's a sad world we live in when we need to research extensively about a movie before we make up our own mind whether or not there's any agendas being shoved in it.

In regards to TDF, Linda Hamilton did it for the paycheck. Arnold did it for the paycheck. Cameron did it for the paycheck. Miller directed it to shoehorn in agendas and diversity hires with little to no character background. They dont care about you.

Hurt Hollywood and these elitists the only way they know how to feel pain: their wallets.


The only real desire to see it is the classic "watching a trainwreck" scenario. I'm certainly not going to support these never-ending Hollywood trash sequels by purchasing a ticket. If it was solely written and directed by Cameron, I would have been interested.


I recommend you watch it online instead mate. There's already versions online - its camcorder quality but it's better than paying to see this shite in a cinema!

As for Cameron, he's too busy making 4 sequels to a film nobody asked for. Oh and he's a sellout who added his name to TDF for a quick buck to fund his blue people movies.

I've no interest in Cameron or his projects anymore. I knew he was a hack once he proclaimed genisys as the real T3. And we all know why he did that - because of his bum chum buddy Arnold (another sellout btw - probably the worst of the bunch).


F=ck off with your illegal streaming BS! It's people like you that do that, post negative comments based on a cam version and ruin the industry.


"Post negative comments based on a cam version"
So are you telling me that if I watch the version in cinema, it will have a different story, different characters, different music, different time period, different setting than a camcorder version? Wow! Thats amazing magic right there. What will they think off next?!

Also, to entertain you, allow me to inform you that I haven't watched neither cinema or online version. Why? Because I saw this train wreck coming almost a year ago and only 6 months ago did the leaked plot confirm my suspicions.

And on a side note, I would never pay any money to this... "industry" as you call it because I am not in the habit of financially supporting propaganda or elitist drivel. But hey ho, each to their own.

Please do reply back if you feel the need... just as much as I feel the need to ignore you due to your offensive and assumptive comments. Not once anywhere on this site have I claimed to have watched the online version lol! Thats where the magic of youtube comes in... I can watch specific leaked scenes online and not have to pay a single penny to support the... "industry" !

Anyone with two brain cells can see what this shit film is all about even without watching it in cinema or online. Just do your research and you can see for yourself.
Or perhaps you're too busy spamming abusive comments to people instead of discussing things in a civil manner.


Ruin the industry huh? Stupid scripts, driven agendas, boring characters , directors that talk crap about his potential customers doesn't ruin the industry?
You can just be a nice little drone and pay this guys your hard earned money, if you don't leave in your parents basement , don't assume that the industry doesn't give a fu*k about you, like you should, if you had a brain.
And all those brands that you use , and defend, also doesn't give a sh*t about you. Their slogan is "pay us, fu*k you."


