MovieChat Forums > Creed II (2018) Discussion > Creed II Heading to HUGE 60 M Opening

Creed II Heading to HUGE 60 M Opening

Creed II is Opening huge....

Tracking had it around 48 to 50 Million but Its exceeding Expectations....

Its clear Michael B Jordan is bringing in A HUGE New Crowd....

according to Fandango, Creed II is getting A Massive African American crowd, who are listing the #1 reason why they are interested in the movie is seeing Michael B Jordan in it after his role In Black Panther...

Black Panther turned into a Cultural Event for African American's....Creed II with Michael B Jordan's involvement is Heavily Benefiting for it...

It reminds me of Alice In Wonderland....

Alice was the first Major Blockbuster to come out in 3D after Avatar...and It sold an Astonishingly High percentage of 3D ticket(which Made it drastically over perform) because Audiences had such an amazing experience watching Avatar in 3D, When Alice came out In Massively Benefited from Audiences Buying 3D tickets wanting another Avatar experience...

Unfortunately though...Alice was Converted to 3D, which at the time No one knew the difference and Alice's 3D was nothing like Avatar's...


Looks like overall it is only going to make only a tad more than the first Creed which is surprising. Actually worldwide it is probably going to make less unless it hasn't opened in some major markets.
