Shout! Acquires ‘What We Left Behind’

Shout! Studios has just acquired worldwide rights to the new Star Trek feature documentary What We Left Behind: Looking Back at Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Shout! plans to release it across multiple platforms including theatrical by year’s end.

The video features editor/producer Joe Kornbrodt, who provides a few more details. As promised, backers from the Kickstarter campaign will get access to copies first. Release details on the backer copies aren’t finalized yet, since the upgrade of the DS9 clips to HD isn’t quite finished. Kornbrodt also says that the producers hope the wider availability and the theatrical release, thanks to Shout!, will help show that there’s a public demand for a remastered Deep Space Nine from CBS.


Trailer, includes HD DS9 scenes: [url][\url]


"Pissing People Off" refers to Trekkies disliking change and politics.

During TNG they said it's not TOS, during DS9 they said it's not TNG, same with Enterprise and Discovery. Best to ignore them.

Interview: Ira Steven Behr And Nana Visitor On Pissing People Off With ‘Star Trek: DS9’ And ‘What We Left Behind’
Interview (23 min)


It was not very good. Some good interviews. A tepid brainstorming of a possible season 8 that feels on the level of the worst of DS9. Some cool dramatic readings of negative reviews of the show (One sounded like something I would have said ... hmm). Some interesting insights from behind the scenes. A comfy nostalgic feel to it if you watched the show. A bit sloppy.
Alas, self-absorbed Behr tries to pretend that DS9 was something more than it was: A mixed bag of quality that was simultaneously better and worse than Voyager and not even close to TOS nor TNG. Stolen from Babylon 5 after Strakzinski initially pitched it to them. He tries to absorb some shred of progressive credit from the 90's by pretending to have been original with his touching on civil rights, homelessness, etc. Even throws in Trump saying "Good people on both sides" into a montage of the-best-of-racism-in-history when they talk about that episode where Sisko was writing DS9 during the civil rights movement. Classy.

I expected a more professional documentary with better content. However, I did not know that this was a crowd funded film. I guess that it is OK for that kind of thing.


It's unfortunate that this wasn't very good. Hopefully it shows up on Netflix some time so I can watch it without paying extra.


"I expected a more professional documentary with better content."

Sounds like some guy disspointed with closing of imdb boards and lack of posts on DS9 on here , made a little film to help revive the memory ...


If they're willing to release a documentary like this for the show, maybe they can god damn remaster the show in HD, eh?


This was crowdfunded. That type of finance model wouldn't work for remastering seven seasons of a TV show.


Oh, OK.


I'm surprised they haven't done it already, at least released the first season or two on bluray to see how well they sold before deciding whether to do the rest. Then of course there'd be the licensing to Netflix, Amazon, or other streaming platform(s). Voyager too.


Here's how it would look. DVD vs film scan.


Your links aren't working. I just get a childish picture of mountains and the sun.


Blu Ray Aug 6:
“What We Left Out“(deleted scenes with over 45 minutes of new stories)
