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Senate Republicans Slam Tucker Carlson for Downplaying January 6: ‘It’s Bullshit’

More lawsuits coming? This time against Tucker instead of Fox News.

On his primetime program Monday, Carlson aired never-before-seen surveillance footage of the January 6 attack and argued that the new evidence disproves the predominant narrative about the scale of the violence perpetrated on January 6. Although Carlson admitted a few of the Trump supporters who gathered that day were bad apples, he called most of them “sightseers” and claimed police were escorting them through the building.

Senator Mitt Romney (R., Utah) said it’s “really sad to see Tucker Carlson go off the rails like that,” adding that he’s joined “a range of shock jocks that are disappointing America and feeding falsehoods.”

“The American people saw what happened on Jan. 6,” Romney told reporters. “They’ve seen the people that got injured, they saw the damage to the building. You can’t hide the truth by selectively picking a few minutes out of tapes and saying this is what went on. It’s so absurd. It’s nonsense.”

U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) Chief Thomas Manger wrote in a inner memo to his staff that Carlson’s show did not reach out to the department for accurate context, instead cherry-picking footage and misleading viewers.

The chief also honed in on Carlson’s “disturbing” accusation about Officer Brian Sicknick, who died the day after the attack. Carlson argued in his Monday night segment that video footage of Sicknick walking around the Capitol after clashing outside with rioters proved that he didn’t die as a result of those clashes.

Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) held up the letter from Manger as an exemplary response to Carlson.


The Democrats and RINOs are getting nervous and very concerned.
There is already a growing list of their lies and cover-ups…more are on the way.

Members and families of the persecuted J6 will likely file dozens of lawsuits against those Dems and RINOs.


Chuck Schoeless should be ashamed of himself. History is not going to be kind to these grifters at all.


It was kinda funny how Tucker reduced the J6 event to just a few people "sightseeing". lol!

However, the video display did make it look like a large number of them were just strolling through the park. Sure, there were some rowdy members of that crowd but it was mostly a peaceful protest.


No one is buying this bullsh*t being peddled, aside from the gullible maga.
