Did I miss a scene

In the second episode (after which I stopped watching the show coincidentally) they had the Hispanic guy being forced to run weaponless through that televised gauntlet. First, he kill someone who has a machete or sword, but leaves it lying there and runs on without picking it up. Then he kills someone with an axe and does not continue on with that axe, just runs on weaponless again. Then he kills someone who has a machine gun of some sort and casts the gun aside afterwards. The finish line is close, so maybe that part is understandable, but all those people who forced him to run the gauntlet are all hanging around there, so you'd think he's want the security of the gun just in case.

Did I miss a scene where they said he couldn't keep any weapons he came across or he'd be shot by a sniper or something?


I don't think that was ever explained. I thought it was very dumb to just leave the axe behind. He definitely used some of the weapons (like the arrow), but for some reason he always just continued to the next stage unarmed.

A lot of the behavior you see on the show is somewhat irrational for anyone out on the street during purge night. No one is just gonna stand there and be auctioned without fighting it tooth and nail. Except maybe people like Penelope that have been brainwashed and already have a death wish.


This is one my main issues with the show. They're showing Purge night in some type of fun, carnival like depiction. Just people out on the street, having a bit of a laugh, go see a show in that weird circus thing. Fuck that. Unless you have a mission (kill list/arson/specific act you want to carry out), you will not be out on the street. You'd have to have a screw loose. All the people you'd encounter would be terrible, terrible people that would murder/rape you in a heartbeat.

Purge night is not some whimsical affair, it would be utterly terrifying.
