MovieChat Forums > The Handmaid's Tale (2017) Discussion > episode "Other Women (2.4)" éclat after ...

episode "Other Women (2.4)" éclat after "baby shower"

What does June say after the baby-shower-like-cerenomy that enrages Serena so much that she hits Cora in the face? What I understand is something like "after my baby shower we end up giving presents ...?"

I don't get the scene.



I don't remember, something like they ended up giving all the presents away. It was immaterial what she said, the main point was that she spoke out of turn (thus embarrassing Serena in front of the other wives), and Serena then took her anger out on Cora because she could hit a woman pregnant with her future baby.


June saying 'After my baby shower we ended up giving away half our presents..' was making everybody remember
- that there was a normal life before Gilead
- that June is fertile, Serena is not
- that June already had a baby, that Gilead took that baby away from her and forced her to be raped so Commander's wife can pretend to have a baby by stealing June's
- that this is all unjust

Serena did not like to be remembered about that.
They all do like the wifes are the mothers. They call her mothers. They do birth preparations with them. They sit her behind the maid when she gets the baby and immediately give it to her.
They don't wanna hear 'you know it's not your baby'. They very much don't wanna hear that.

Martha said something to distract everybody from what June said, that's why the anger was released on her.

It was pretty similar to the
Serena to other wifes 'Soon the baby will be felt through'
June 'Actually i felt the baby kicking in my tummy last night'
