Is it fun?

Is it fun as in summer popcorn movie or not fun at all?


It's fairly entertaining.

Obviously it owes a whole lot to Die Hard, but Die Hard is a much better movie, largely because of the strength of its characters and a stronger core story. Skyscraper's characters are relatively weak, especially the villains. Alan Rickman's Hans Gruber blows away any of the bad guys in this film, and Die Hard's story is also much stronger.

With all that said though, the film does have a really cool visual style, some great effects, some interesting action beats, the Rock is charming as always, and it was nice to see Neve Campbell on the big screen again.

Overall, on an A-F scale, I'd give it either a B- or a C+.


Pretty much my thoughts.
I enjoy these kinds of movies (San Andreas / The Commuter) if I like the main actors and if the action is decent.
Then I can have fun with the regular guy who beats the conspiracy.
A little bit of suspense, a couple of plot twists, some fights / explosions.
It works with Skyscraper.
