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Question about Martha (spoiler) and few other things.

Ok, just ended S3.

So they said that Martha and Jones are "errors" that shouldn't have happened in the original world.

While it's obvious for Jonas i don't understand why is that the case for Martha? (i didn't rewatch season 1,2 so maybe i forgot something).

2 more things were not covered: who built the time travel sphere that Martha was using and how was the fuel obtained? Why the son of Martha has the scar on different sides of the face? Just an inconsistency or has deeper but unexplained reasons?


I think i got the answer in case of Martha: her family line (father - Ulrich) was a direct result of time travel.


It's not that Jonas and Martha shouldn't have happened in the origin world. It's that their two worlds shouldn't have been created from the origin world. That was a mistake. Once the mistake was corrected and the two worlds no longer existed, it is quite possible that both Jonas and Martha would end up existing in the origin world. In fact, at the end, Hannah says she likes the name Jonas for her unborn baby.


Different father.


In both worlds, Martha's grandfather is Tronte.

Tronte is the child of Agnes and the unknown man (the hare lipped trio), who in turn is the son of Martha and Jonas.

So Martha is a result of time travel, indeed an "error", like Jonas.


Regarding the unknown's scar, it will appear on different sides of their faces depending on which world they’re in, as the two worlds are mirrored. When they're in Adam's world, it’s on the left side. When they’re in Eva's world, it’s on the right side. Martha's scar also switches sides between worlds.
