MovieChat Forums > Thumper (2017) Discussion > Worst cop(s) ever (spoilers)

Worst cop(s) ever (spoilers)

Kat (Meredith) was a cop? And not just a cop, but an undercover cop which is supposed to be a highly trained expert. The school kids could have done (and did) a better job than she did. She was totally and completely inept. She goes with Gina and her other loser druggie friend and when they do meth, she admits she's never tried it. Ok, kids talk. The word would have gotten out, especially from Gina who later shows that she is very suspicious and vocal. Then she goes to Wyatt's house and waits till his wife leaves but apparently doesn't even consider that ol' Wyatt would be home even though she knew he didn't have a job. Hello? And what exactly was she looking for in his trash? He totally catches her and she tries to convince him that she's jonesing for a "hit" even though she left people knowing she wasn't a user. A seasoned undercover detective, first of all would have come up with a better excuse for not using in front of Gina. Second, if she admitted that she wasn't a user, she would know that there was a good possibility that Gina and/or her friend would have mentioned that to someone and that Wyatt could have gotten wind of it. The rest of that whole scene had some nonsensical issues too but let's just concentrate on Kat.

She O.D.s and goes to the hospital. Obviously, qualified cops would at least be aware that some of her friends may come to visit her and would have the hospital staff prepared for that, to maintain her cover, but no. They never heard of her. Seriously? Case blown and Meredith in mortal danger.

THEN, she gets pulled off the case for some unknown reason but decides to COMPLETELY and TOTALLY go against police procedure to go warn Beaver to unrealistically leave town without telling him why. So why? She's telling him to totally abandon his life and to plunge into the great unknown with his special needs brother so he can avoid minor drug charges that because he's a minor, would have most likely just landed him on probation, lol!

THEN, of course Wyatt shows up with Gina spilling the beans. Kat is armed but rather than draw down on Wyatt and arrest him, she runs and allows him to handily disarm her. I mean come on!!!

She's then subdued and almost murdered but saved at the last minute by a high schooler who had a lot more sense and bravery than she had.

So yeah. Worst. Cop. Ever.


Spot on with that review. It felt like a 3 hour film. And how the heck does a 29 year old who looks her age and had a 6 yo kid, end up in high school and no one questions it. Only good thing was the big bald guy who was menacing.
