Things I loved about this movie...

1. "That's how hard I threw it"

2. Love the fact that the nerd didn't end up being some computer genius that can hack into anything to get info like in every other movie. Brilliant joke when they were setting that up just to watch him type the search into google and then ask her for a credit card.

3. That's it. Just those 2 things.


That second point was so well done. The way he's talking like he's a hacker and just does a Google search, it's very real as well. I imagine most people who know their way around a computer would do the same thing first regardless.
I also liked:
3. The family in the beginning asking about the dead woman's last words, when it was an awkward racist rant.
4. The fact that Tony gets the perfect opportunity to use his star at the end, manages to hit an almost perfect shot, but it still only really serves as a distraction rather than some badass kill he was probably expecting. Also him then awkwardly not knowing what to do next.
5. The antagonist greedily searching the fireplace safe for cash/jewels, pulling out a ton of stocks/shares probably worth a fortune and not realising their value.
6. The detective being personally offended by Ruth's amateur detective work.
7. Tony's morningstar.


I want to expand on 6. The detective is totally unsympathetic and cares only about his own problems. The exact opposite of the way detectives are normally portrayed. Both scenes with him were great!
