MovieChat Forums > Speechless (2016) Discussion > I am honestly shocked that people don't ...

I am honestly shocked that people don't find this show insanely charming

Im so surprised by the number of negative comments about this show.

I've seen people saying things they don't like. I get that. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. It's fine.

Personally I was hooked from the first minute. I used to work with people with disabilities and we used to get looks and harrassed from people all the time when we parked in the handicapped spot and they didn't think we (the drivers) were "disabled" enough. So that scene is just so real.

Watching JJ find his voice in this first episode was so beautiful. At the end, where JJ is on the drop ride and goes "ahhh" and his interpreter says "he says 'ahhh'" like holy *beep* my heart exploded.

What surprises me most about this board is the reasons people have for hating this. Like obviously:"it's not funny" is a decent reason. That's fine. But...

"The mom is too mean"
She's advocating for her child. Imagine if your child was the only person in the entire school who has to enter the school by the dumpsters. There are all these little ways people with disabilities are separated ftom their peers in everything that they do. And people with CP especially are lumped in with people with intellectual disabilities. This mother gets the job done. She advocates for her child. That's often not something you can do with a gentletter voice and a smile.

"JJ can't speak and that's unrealistic/ not fair to the actor" Like what even. You're basically saying JJ is "too disabled" for television and thas just dumb.

And FYI, because someone had been saying this and it's just stupid, there's no other way of putting it, JJ doesn't have a voice over for his thoughts because in real life when you meet a person who is nonverbal YOU'RE NOT GOING TO HEAR THEIR THOUGHTS. This show is about this kid finding his voice. If he already had a voice, there wouldn't be a show. I mean the first episode was about him finding an interpreter. How is he supposed to go through this journey about finding an interpreter if in the show WE CAN HEAR HIS THOUGHTS. That's just bad writing.

Anyway. Thats my opinion.


And FYI, because someone had been saying this and it's just stupid, there's no other way of putting it, JJ doesn't have a voice over for his thoughts because in real life when you meet a person who is nonverbal YOU'RE NOT GOING TO HEAR THEIR THOUGHTS. This show is about this kid finding his voice. If he already had a voice, there wouldn't be a show. I mean the first episode was about him finding an interpreter. How is he supposed to go through this journey about finding an interpreter if in the show WE CAN HEAR HIS THOUGHTS. That's just bad writing.

I had never even thought of that, but you make a good point; I like how the lack of narration kind of puts the viewer in the shoes of JJ's family and others with whom he communicates.  The show isn't just about JJ, it's about the whole family and how his challenges affect them too.

As for the mom, I'd just like to add that I love how this show seems so confident in its premise and its casting, it still doesn't feel the need to explain (at least in its first four episodes) what brought Maya from the UK to the US in the first place.  (Maybe we'll get that info eventually, but for now it just doesn't seem to have any bearing on any of the plots / subplots so far -- ditto whatever Jimmy does for a living*.)

* According the character's bio on the official ABC site, he does have a nondescript "steady, if sometimes unfulfilling, job to support [the family] and get the healthcare benefits JJ needs."

EDIT: I was right -- the only time we've seen him at work (at the airport as an airline baggage-service agent) was in 1x6, when it directly involved one of the subplots (his helping Dylan manage her anger issues).

"I know I'm not normal -- but I'm trying to change!" ~ Muriel's Wedding


She's advocating for her child.

And being a colossal bitch about it. That's her problem. Her REAL probelm is that she's a warrior mom who doesn't know when to pick her battles but it isn't her attitude that bothers me, it's the fact that her and the rest of the family use JJ's disability as an excuse to try and justify acting like dicks to everybody else, and I'm not just referring to general abrasiveness, I'm referring to acts like trespassing (swimming in the neighbors' pools without permission) and just expecting their neighbors to lay down and take it. There's also the fact that they fired a perfectly competent, but uncool aide for an aide that's cool but has no idea what the hell he's doing. Seriously, if I had a son with CP and his aide took away his only method of communication and left it in the middle of a parking lot, there would be no second chance for the aide.

Yeah, the DiMeos are a real inspiration.


I mean they're clearly bad neighbors. No one is saying that they're perfect. But I think theyd probably be bad neighbors even if they didn't have a special needs person in their family. I didn't see them using JJ's disability as an excuse for it though.


Maybe it's because I don't have a seriously handicapped family member, but I don't find the show to be that charming. I find most of the characters to be unlikable. My dad and I only watch it because it comes in between The Goldbergs and Modern Family. He says that there is no chemistry between Minnie Driver and Bawwy Kwipke and I agree with him.


I am shocked, as well, that everybody doesn't love this show. I love Minnie Driver in this show. I liked her in her last show and the show before that. I really hope there are enough of us out there who think this show is charming so they give it a couple more seasons.


I'm hoping for 3 good seasons. A nice rounded story.


I'd like to see it stick around at least long enough to see JJ through his first year of college.  (He's 16 now, so probably in his Junior year of high school...)

"I know I'm not normal -- but I'm trying to change!" ~ Muriel's Wedding


The people who don't like the show because the mom is too mean do you like The Goldbergs? I find the mom there mean, too. The entire school is afraid of her because of the demands she has for her children. These two mothers remind me of each other.


They would definitely get along ???


Nah, they'd be fighting each other too hard to get better for their child.


The family has its moments but they're all kind of dicks. As for being neighbors, I don't care if your kid's got CP, if I catch you swimming in my pool you'll all be in wheelchairs.


I agree, Ayababi!

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


I just saw it..I love the Golden Retriever..Pepper! my niece has one..the daughter actually wanted it but it doesn't seem to like her...running gag of course......maybe better as the S[peechless teen's support service dog...
