Jack- too perfect?

Don't get me wrong I like the character of Jack but anyone else find him annoyingly perfect? Like he always does the right thing, and it's nice but there must be a "bad" side to him. Everything else in the show is realistic but Jack's never ending good qualities

-Who is it?
-It's Grandpa. And it sounds like he's gotten into the horseradish again.


Well, it was hinted in one of the earlier episodes that he had an alcohol problem but I'm guessing he was able to give it up.


I'm no Jack-hater but gosh, his hair always looks filthy! Guess he's so busy being good and noble that he doesn't have time to take care of this.


Thank you for that bit about his filthy hair. I've made comments about it before but I guess it turns some people on. Not only that, but his whole hygiene scene seems suspect.


There's no man on this planet like Jack.


His hair is kind of... rustic? Maybe that was just the look of 70's. Not so much the 80's & 90's though.

Yes there's definitely nobody like Jack. He's way too perfect. I hope all these "look how romantic Jack is, look how good of a father he is" episodes are culminating towards something. Like a secret he has, etc, because it's becoming too much. He goes to work, goes to his kids sports tournaments and then has time to light his old apartment to surprise his wife? That's awesome but how?

-Who is it?
-It's Grandpa. And it sounds like he's gotten into the horseradish again.


While I like jack a lot. He is far from perfect. There was the drinking problem and he also doubted his marriage at certain times. He has his flaws. He is no more perfect than I am.



Full disclosure: I'm in the same generation as Jack and Rebecca and although I see nothing wrong with the length/style of Jack's hair, I've never been turned on/wanted to run my fingers through greasy hair. Filthy hair has never been in style IMO. And it especially looks out of place on a guy who wears a coat and tie to work. It's not like he was out digging ditches/doing other strenuous work.


I'm from the 70's and 80's. We washed our hair.


Clean hair was in for many decades. But, I've now also seen him on talk shows; must be a look he likes in his real life too. Unfortunate, much like Brad Pitt.


I don't think he's perfect.

He's got major issues. He needs continuous moral support from Kate. He couldn't pack his own clothes to move to New York.

Life is too short.. I don't even buy green bananas


I think you're thinking about Kevin, not Jack.


I also grew up in the 70's and although many men had long hair, they washed it and even styled it. Most men had nicer hair than the women and in the early 80's they wore it all feathered and layered and used as much spray as the girls. Jack's hair is just greasy and not very attractive. Rebecca also doesn't dress like we did in the 80's.


I agree. I also don't like his dirty looking hair hanging down in his eyes.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar and doesn't.


Yeah pretty much, but I do like his character.


Yeah, I mean, even though he certainly is a great father, a great husband, the ideal man in those respects, there isn't really anyone *that* unfailingly perfect in real life. We never see him have a human moment; he's just always doing exactly what he should be doing. He's RoboDadHusband!
