MovieChat Forums > This Is Us (2016) Discussion > Does anybody else think that Jack and Re...

Does anybody else think that Jack and Rebecca...

were divorced when Jack died? I don't know, I just think that since this show likes to throw us curve balls that this might be a good possibility.


I don't think so.


If they were divorced when he died WTF would she still be wearing that necklace Jack gave to her even while married to Miguel - she wears it around her neck when she is older and every/now and then she always touches/holds the necklace w/her hands very gently while its still around her neck. I've seen her do this in a few scenes so not sure what happened. I would hate that "twist" they divorced and she remarried w/Miguel of all people Jack's snake of a friend. Unless she married Miguel afterwards, but it still doesn't sit right w/me that she married Miguel and Rebecca as an older woman doesn't look happy at all - she sort of has this "stone face" and is very "stoic and unhappy" looking like all the time. Also why doesn't Miguel talk about his grown up children? Will the writers even go there? His ex-wife Shelly and he said it was going to be an "amicable divorce", they didn't put it in those words but both agreed they wanted to get a divorce. I don't see why Miguel hasn't talked about his kids nor Shelly - its all strange.

** I just do NOT like Miguel especially being married to Rebecca, they are SO wrong for each other and again Rebecca looks miserable as well. She NEVER smiles and looks like her mind is "faraway" thinking about something else. I know someone who has that look where they have other things on their mind while speaking w/them but they won't share what they are truly feeling; its sad, miserable at the same time, really.


If this were the case...

Even after breakups or divorces, you still get very upset if the person happens to pass away. She loved him at one point, he was her love, the father of her kids and family. Not just a man she dated once. She probably had no ill will toward him. Being so upset about him passing, it made her remember things and to keep him in memory, she could wear his necklace.

Miguel would understand how she feels. They were all close friends at one point and he knows how strong they once were. He has her now. Jack is gone. so there is no reason for him to get jealous over a piece of jewelry if she chose to wear it.

I could see it maybe being questionable if he were still alive and she continued to wear it, but even so, if you like a piece of jewelry you got, you can wear it. It's not like it's her engagement or wedding ring.


IMDB lists the kids as being 15 during the funeral and they are showing as 15 now in the flashbacks. Were they 15 during the Valentine's day fight? If so, then I reckon he gets killed on the way home from the restaurant in a car accident.


We'll find out eventually. The key word here is eventually.
