MovieChat Forums > What the Health (2017) Discussion > Fake documentary debunked by professiona...

Fake documentary debunked by professionals

What the Health may set an IMDB record for fake reviews. Of 600+ total, over 90% are fake (new account or single review). This and directors previous crapumentary have fake ratings of 8.5. The director encourages viewers to create reviews on IMDB!


On July 11, 2017, medical doctor Harriet Hall, known as the SkepDoc, reviewed the documentary on Science-Based Medicine. Her opinion was summarized as follows: "'What the Health' espouses the fairy tale that all major diseases... can be prevented and cured by eliminating meat and dairy from the diet. It is a blatant polemic for veganism, biased and misleading, and is not a reliable source of scientific information." At the end of her article she concludes by asserting positive aspects of a plant based diet with "There are undisputed health advantages to a plant-based diet..." and "We as a society should eat more plant foods..." but counterpoints this with "...the evidence is insufficient to recommend that everyone adopt a vegan diet" and "we needn’t entirely reject all animal foods". Finally, she recommends moderation in all things.

Chronological debunking of dozens of claims:


What really gets to me is the sponsors. Many businesses in general are unregulated and thus unethical. Even if your post may be true and it is fake, these organizations SHOULD NOT be backed by products that are causes for most of these epidemics.
