MovieChat Forums > Kevin Can Wait (2016) Discussion > I Tried but it is just awful

I Tried but it is just awful

I wasn't a big fan of King of Queens but at least for the most part it had some funny lines.

This show is dreck. I figure the studio mast have paid him so much they have to recoup their losses on how bad it is.

Did they really already renew this awful show?

Well I tried. I watched a few episodes but how it hasn't been cancelled is beyond me.

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety


I agree - there isn't one likable person among the entire cast.


I just decided this as well... Officially removing it from my DVR list. Too bad since I usually like Kevin James in stuff.

The above is purely my opinion and not fact.


I agree -- King of Queens could be quite funny, well written, etc, so I gave this show a chance based on that.

It's CRAP.

And once again you have the guy who looks like him married to the gal who looks like her -- I'm not saying that doesn't happen, but when you KEEP ON being in sitcoms where you chose to have the hot wife and the schlub, sorry, not buying it again.

At least I don't have to add this to my list of time wasters.


His wife on this show is FAR from hot, she's not even cute, kinda hard to look at to be totally honest.
