Sadly ratings were bad

FOX sticking this on Friday night all but sealed its fate. It got 1.0 rating and only like 2.9 million views.
Very sad considering this was high quality pilot and has the potential to go further.



1.0? When was the last time you watched a new series that actually ROSE in ratings? Yeah, good luck with that. I liked the show it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be *cough* Damien.


1.0? When was the last time you watched a new series that actually ROSE in ratings? Yeah, good luck with that. I liked the show it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be *cough* Damien.

Hmm, no. Not what I said. What I *said* was that the L+3 and L+7 commercials might be significantly better than the same-day ratings, to the point of helping the show. Good reviews and buzz can motivate people to sample the pilot in other ways. Viewing has been increasingly moving away from the same-day model for a while, to the point where the networks are accepting delayed viewing, as long as they can monetize it.

Does this mean the same-day ratings are likely to improve? They generally don't, but they are also only part of the picture.

The Historical Meow


I don't trust FOX to not cancel it, considering they do so ever time they get a show on the air that I like (IE Forever), but since they have started including online viewings to ratings now, I have a little hope for this to get a 2nd season greenlight.

I was stunned that they kept Lucifer on for another season, because I also like that show. But I still don't trust their judgment on what to keep and what to cancel. Scream Queens was so awful, and has no business being on for a 2nd season.
That's coming from a big fan of Ryan Murphy. Even I couldn't stomach that show.

No Quarter



It doesn't seem to be having much promotion online, they should probably work on that.


A 1.0 on Fox on a Friday night actually isn't that bad. If it could average around a .8 then I think it might be in good shape.


A 1.0 on Fox on a Friday night actually isn't that bad. If it could average around a .8 then I think it might be in good shape.

A lot depends on how much it drops and how that compares to other shows on FOX this season. It's a low number to start, but if the show holds reasonably well, it could stick around for a few seasons, as Hannibal did on NBC.

One thing in its favor is that if it really is doing a 13-episode season, it won't have to deal with the spring blahs.

The Historical Meow


the 1.0 isn't bad for a Friday night genre show. if it stays around here, it will be fine.


FOX sticking this on Friday night all but sealed its fate. It got 1.0 rating and only like 2.9 million views.
Very sad considering this was high quality pilot and has the potential to go further.

Don't worry, I'm sure they've already filmed a cliffhanger finale, just in case...

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I think it will do great. Five installments for the Halloween season.

Perfect for me.

I'm not looking for a long series.


I think it will do great. Five installments for the Halloween season.

There are at least 10 episodes.


"No! He is imprinted on you like a gay duckling. If you don't wean him off you slowly, he'll die."


Even better
