Sadly ratings were bad

FOX sticking this on Friday night all but sealed its fate. It got 1.0 rating and only like 2.9 million views.
Very sad considering this was high quality pilot and has the potential to go further.



If it doesn't drop below 0.9 it's fine... Rosewood got 0.7. Scream Queens got renewed after dropping to 0.9 on Tuesdays last season. Viewer response overall seems to lean heavily to the positive side so it's also possible new viewers will come to replace some who leave after the pilot.

I wish it could somehow maintain that 1.0, and hopefully it also does well in delayed viewing. I believe Deadline reported FOX managed to make a lot of sales this season based on C3 or C7 (can't remember which), so I'd say the ratings news at this point is kinda neutral.


"No! He is imprinted on you like a gay duckling. If you don't wean him off you slowly, he'll die."


In the new days of DVR and On Demand, traditional ratings don't carry as much weight as they used to.


In the new days of DVR and On Demand, traditional ratings don't carry as much weight as they used to.

FOX even stopped reporting on overnight ratings last year, saying they will judge shows' success based on online views on delayed DVR viewing within a certain window. (FX as well.) Ratings are just going to continue to drop year to year so I think pretty soon all the networks will follow suit.


"No! He is imprinted on you like a gay duckling. If you don't wean him off you slowly, he'll die."


This is one of the best pilots I've seen in a very very long time. I thought it was even better than priest and that show rocks !
If this got cancelled, Fox can show porn on prime time and I would still not watch anymore......maybe once , but that's it.

I'm hoping for many more episodes !


Do you mean Preacher?


Sh*t, you're right.

Got overexcited. My bad ! :)




Shows can have lower ratings and survive. If it dies stop significantly though then........


i'm probably wrong but i have a feeling good word of mouth (which there seems to be BIG TIME) could start getting people to check it out. i've posted positive comments about the show on the various horror movie sites i visit. i think many horror movie fans would very much enjoy this show if they give it a chance.


I agree, I don't watch a lot of television, so I didn't even know about this show and saw a commercial for it by chance right before it aired. I'm so glad that I watched it, because it was actually really good and exceeded my expectations tenfold. I watch American Horror Story and the Walking Dead, was excited back when Damien was starting- but then watched it and hated it, thought that The Exorcist would probably be of the same low caliber, but it wasn't! It was a great pilot and I've been telling all my friends and family who might be interested to check it out.


i'm probably wrong but i have a feeling good word of mouth (which there seems to be BIG TIME)

Yep. I wasn't planning to watch until everyone was saying how good it was. I checked it out and really liked it.


for what it's worth, here's an interesting article on the complete overhaul of how Nielsen ratings will gauge ratings. it give me hope that shows that i love that seem to not have great ratings will indeed end up doing alright!


Wow, I didn't know the ratings were that low. Hoping the ratings for this show will improve...


LOL @ people saying that this is better than "Preacher". 

It's definitely getting cancelled. I kinda liked the premiere, but in order to survive on FOX, the cast has to be entirely black. Either that, or a Ryan Murphy production.


Not better than Preacher. Superior in every way.


Yeah, not like that flash in the pan "The Simpsons." That will never last on Fox. Or "The X-Files." Or "Married...With Children." Those aren't the kind of shows Fox would ever air.


The overnight A18-49 was pretty bad. That said, for awhile, the networks have actually been using Live+3 with commercials ratings (which, alas, we rarely get) and even Live+7, so that could help a show like The Exorcist that gets good buzz and reviews right out of the gate.

The Historical Meow
