MovieChat Forums > The Witcher (2019) Discussion > Why should I watch a TV show based on a ...

Why should I watch a TV show based on a videogame?

That IS what the Witcher is, after all.


Um, no. The video game and this Netflix show is based on a book series


I know that, but what came first after the book? The videogame, I bet. And I bet the TV show was based on the videogame! Ugh!


No. If you research the episodes, you will learn that each is based on a story FROM THE BOOKS. The internet is a blessing and a curse. A blessing in that everything worth knowing is at our fingertips. A curse in that any dumbass in the world can spout off their worthless opinions.


I get your point, but I don't care about the stupid Witcher story, it sounds like a rip-off of both LOTR and GOT.


Actually, Sapkowski wrote the first Witcher story before Martin wrote A Game of Thrones.


Hmm. Same genre I agree, but why should there be only one or two? Is there only one Superhero in that genre? How many murder mysteries? RomComs? LOTR and the first four seasons of GoT are the very top tier of the epic fantasy genre, but those stories have already been told, and how many times can you rewatch them? There is room for others, and eventually one will catch fire. It won't be the Witcher. It is just a pretty good show that I think is a worth a watch for those who enjoy this particular genre.

My apologies for being curt in my previous post. You were just expressing your opinion, and I should have respected that.


So stay off this board than.


its based on books!! NOT video game. it's 8 book saga that existed long before games. and games were based on those books too but tell a different story that happens years after the books.
