ST: Bad

Wow. I just decided to watch S4E13 on a whim after basically not watching the show given how bad it was. It's casting is very bad along with the characters and especially their cringey dialogs.
What happened to subtlety and showing things so you conclude yourself without having it smeared on your face like a cake constantly.
The captain is now Spocks sister and they're in some crazy furure 1200 years from now? Lol. Wut? And everyone seem like underdeveloped fruitcakes. Except Spocks sister who is now the captain? but is super woman knowing everything and makes all the right calls and knows who tricked whom in an instant and interrupts her own science officer as miss know it all.
And the show is so bleak and camera shake and full of treachery and bs and darkness

This us not star trek. It's a show about fruitcakes who cry as captain on the bridge. Who's gonna respect a captain who cries on the bridge like that? Wtf. I wouldn't want to be led by someone so emotionally fragile.

Also started watching ST:SNW and that show is so superior that it takes the stench out of this show. These guys should be ashamed calling this Star Trek.



Alex Kurtzman is basically the male Star Trek equivalent of Kathleen Kennedy over at Lucasfilm. He's a second rate, childish hack that was always working in the background when Star Trek was still good, and the moment he got to be in charge, he turned it into a stinking dumpster fire of a political platform, as well as a revenge tactic against all the things he hated about Star Trek. Small wonder nobody watches his shit show anymore. It's an insult to Trekkies everywhere, as well as the people who originally worked on it. I can't wait for them to cancel Shitscovery and Pee-hard. It would be nicer if Kurtzman were fired, blacklisted from Hollywood, and his Secret Hideout Studios burned to the ground, but we can't have everything.

Don't be fooled. If that loser is involved, you know it's gonna be dog crap. He's mad that nobody likes his two dumpster fire shows, so he's gonna get his revenge later on with SNW. You just watch, the bait has been set, and switch will happen sooner or later.




Yes, Kurtzman is a very miserable little shit.


What puzzles me is why Kurtzman and Abrams look so GORMLESS in their photos, with their stupid glasses and hairstyles.
