MovieChat Forums > Get Out (2017) Discussion > sort of off topic are there racists who ...

sort of off topic are there racists who know there racist

i feel in this movie that the people in it do are convinced there not racist and who knows what kind of excuses they will make for being the way they are


They probably know they are but will still say "Black people can't be raycis".


I have never once heard a racist admit to being racist, and I've encountered plenty of them in my life.


I'll admit it, I'm racist.

I vividly recall being flanked at a urinal by two black guys, and honestly thinking I was about to be mugged, before I zipped up and backed away enough to see that the guys were a teenage boy and a professional in a business suit. I'd noticed their skin color before their clothing, and allowed that factor to overshadow my judgment.

That was the first time I realized that I have preconceptions programmed into me, and they'll continue to affect my judgment unless I consciously address them.

I also studied under a black professor who admitted he'd been surprised at how articulate his Harvard-educated intern was, just because the intern was black. This was a black man, highly educated and a specialist in racism in the law, who himself had a racist reaction to another black man.

Like me, he recognized the reaction in himself as a vulnerability to acknowledge and overcome.

The problem is "racist" has become synonymous with "bad person," so much so that actual racists will deny being racists because in their minds, they're not bad people.


That doesn't make you a racist in my mind. You stereotyped the men, but once you realised, you admitted to yourself that you were wrong.. you know it's a flaw in your thinking rather than being an actual belief that all black people are violent criminals.

I think we all have prejudices, but I think racists don't recognise these for what they are and even after the initial assumption (which we all make subconsciously), they will still hold the same beliefs.
