Watching on Netflix

I had no idea this show existed, it’s really good. I can’t believe that this was put out by Crackle, this had some big actors and must have cost a fortune. You gotta love Ron Perlman. This show is a bit like Breaking Bad but different enough that none of the ideas seem borrowed and remain wholly original. I hope it get’s more views because it would be fun to discuss more about it.


Agreed, I had no clue about this show until it popped up on Netflix a few weeks ago. I just finished the third season. What a show!


Seems like it ended abruptly, I’m thinking that they ran out of money and didn’t have enough viewers, maybe Netflix will pick up some more seasons!


That's what I'm hoping for!


I wonder how it got to Netflix if it's a Crackle show.


Netflix probably bought streaming rites.


Kind of weird.

I mean, you don't see House of Cards showing up on Hulu or The Handmaid's Tale showing up on Amazon Prime.


Yeah, crackle is kinda obscure though so it makes sense that they'd want to sell it to make money.
