My thoughts

This is another coming of age story but this one is unlike any other. It’s like a group of people met behind my back to find all the things that could get to me and then made this film. Things that get under my skin, thing that give the bad shivers and things that make me close my eyes like a little girl. And none of these things were even related to the gore content. I can take gore, I enjoy gore. It’s small details like scratching yourself excessively, animals being tortured, close up on a fail bikini waxing, the interminable sound of a honking horn and so on. I don’t know if I should give this movie a 1 for fucking with me like that or a 10 for succeeding. I’ll just give it a good rating because all in all, it’s a good movie. 7/10


I agree , it’s a love it or hate it film.
I really couldn’t take the animal scenes. They are heartbreaking because I think they are real.
