MovieChat Forums > Outsiders (2016) Discussion > Your favorite Outsider character?

Your favorite Outsider character?

Sheriff Wade - I like everything about him. That he is flawed, a total trainwreck... but, ultimately a good person deep down despite his many eff ups. He is trying to save the town from engaging in all out war, and it's not an easy task at all with so many forces fighting against him.

In my eyes, he is the main protagonist and the biggest outsider on the show.


Lil Foster, I think he's so adorably cute. I did like Lady Ray a LOT, I thought she was so cute, she reminded me of my grandmother whom I never met but then she died on the show but I love Lil Foster, he seems so adorably cute lol :P


Krake is the shizzz.

"At some point, we've all parked in the wrong garage."- Roger Sterling, Jr.


I love me some Hailey Grimes :) She reminds me of my high school guidance counselor.


Asa is my favorite, followed by Hasil. I liked Lady Ray a lot, but they went and killed her off, much to my chagrin.


Hasil definitely. But I'd say G'Winveer was the most interesting character, but only from Season 1.
