MovieChat Forums > Master of None (2015) Discussion > Denise is one of the least-likable chara...

Denise is one of the least-likable characters in recent memory

She's just a pig. Everything about her is trolling for more pussy while spouting off bullsh_t that seems to aim for sagely, but just sounds like every frat boy assh_le pig I've ever met. If this were any other sitcom, her behavior would cast her as the pervy guy, ala Quagmire.


Definitely agree. Shes a terrible character.


How does that make her a pig? I find her to be an interesting character in her own right. Male characters in TV and shows are always bragging about how much p they get want to get, or wish they could get, yet that's considered natural. Yet, because she's a woman doing it, that makes it wrong? I have to admit, people who always brag about how much sex they supposedly get do need to STFU, because nobody wants to hear that s*** all the time, and if someone has to brag or talk about it all the time, they probably ain't getting that much action anyway. But I certainly don't regard her as a "pig" or anything like that---I actually think the actress (Lena Waithe) is funny, and she gets some of the funniest lines on the show, anyway.


Since you didn't bother to actually read my initial comment, here it is again:

"Everything about her is trolling for more pussy while spouting off bullsh_t that seems to aim for sagely, but just sounds like every frat boy assh_le pig I've ever met. If this were any other sitcom, her behavior would cast her as the pervy guy, ala Quagmire."

I absolutely hate that stereotype of male characters, why in the bloody hell would I like it affixed to a female character? A pig is a pig is a pig. Even if it's spottily-written to try sounding sagely.


OMG she's so awesome and funny.


Yeah, I agree. She should just shut up and be pretty and leave being funny to the men. It's like, I don't know what I find more offensive: the fact that she says things that make my oh-so manly testicles recede into my body or that she doesn't present herself as a nice, upstanding lady.

I can't believe they dared put a female character who breaks typical sitcom tropes on this show. I like it better when us men get to be horny pigs. As god intended. Vote Trump.

Anyone here mentions Hotel California dies before the first line clears his lips.



I said I didn't like that in male characters either. You have terrible reading comprehension. But good job on being snarky after reading only the subject line, moron.

Good job on being so enlightened that you don't even need to read the thing that puts you into hysterics.


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If I don't reply, you're probably on my ignore list for something I forgot already


I wouldn't say that I disliked her but I certainly don't remember ever laughing at anything she did or said.


Her character sucks, her lines sucks, her acting sucks, etc... there aren't any redeeming qualities about her.


I think lots of homophobic people have to vent their spleens about this character. I like her, she adds stability and depth to the show, and the Thanksgiving scenes with her family are hilarious.

