MovieChat Forums > Stranger Things (2016) Discussion > Finn Wolfhard Looking Kind of Awkward

Finn Wolfhard Looking Kind of Awkward

This post might come across as mean spirited, and some might think it's creepy that I'm commenting on the looks of kids, but I'm doing so because the career progression of child stars is interesting. Guessing who will go on to become successful adult actors is something I enjoy

Anyway, Millie Bobby Brown is pretty. The black kid is handsome. Gaten Materazzo is weird looking but he looked like that even as a young kid. The Will kid also looked kind of awkward in this season but maybe it was just that bowl haircut

But Finn Wolfhard looks extremely gaunt and sickly. I bring this up because child stars looks affect their career prospects and the kinds of roles they can get as adults. Cute kids get lead roles but if they don't become cute adults then those roles disappear

Look at Haley Joel Osment. Or those kids from Home Improvement. Or Jonathan Lipnicki. Or Raven Symone. And by contrast look at those who grew up to be conventionally attractive, like Christian Bale or Jodie Foster. Or even Lindsay Lohan, who was getting lots of lead roles before she became a coke whore

For now I think only Millie Bobby Brown and the redhead girl have the potential for long acting careers out of the child cast


If they could have seen in the future when casting Stranger Things, I think only Gaten Materazzo (Dustin) and Sadie Sink (Max) would have been picked because they maintain a youthful appearance at 20. The 3 other kids grew up way too fast after season 2.


I binged season 3 and 3. he seems to have stick out as particularly unskilled.. he does his whiny kinda voice every single time. Noah at least got better in season 4 and visually distinguishable from Finn. but a the kid doesnt seem particularly talented


Yeah, I wanted to keep the topic of this post on a single subject, but I also noticed that disparities in their acting abilities are also becoming clear


Finn has a goth look to him and I don't think he has a mid-80's haircut either.


Interesting point. We will see how their careers will go.

But it also depends of how much kid actors want to act as adult. Many just lose interest like Joffrey actor.

And when they want it depends of how much and on how many auditions they go.

The worst career I think will have Gaten Materazzo (Justin). He was cute kid for a moment. But this season he lost it and was...well... overweight. It was noticeable when he tried to run. And has face was bloated. And he is "one shtick" actor. I dont think he can act different roles.

Finn Wolfhard looks kinda fine to me. He developed fine career while still doing ST. Two "It" movies, Ghostbusters. And there will be sequel. I think his career is fine actually. But he needs shorter haircut.

Millie Bobby Brown has that Enola Holmes thing. But I dont know if she will have many lead offers once ST will end. She was not that charismatic in other roles. And with long hair in general. She becomes mandane and boring. Thats why they gave her short hair again. Because they saw that she cant get that level of sadness otherwise.

Noah Schnapp (Will) grew up the prettiest. But I dont see him wanting that acting much. He could book roles but doesnt audition I think.

Caleb McLaughlin (Lucas) looked weird and old on red carpets. But he was actually very good and teenager looking in season 4. His haircut was good.

Charlie Heaton (Jonathan) will have no career. He is charisma void and looks like he is 40 already.

Same with Nancy actress. She will disappear once show will end.


It was so distracting. Poor guy, hope he still has some growing up to do. That nose is just absurd. He looked like a witch.

I was trying to take the show seriously but as soon as he was in the scene only thing i could think of was "nose nose nose nose nose".
