MovieChat Forums > Stranger Things (2016) Discussion > Such a tragedy that so many Movies and T...

Such a tragedy that so many Movies and TV are kid stuff.

Such a tragedy that so many Movies and TV are kid stuff.
I probably would have loved it as a kid, but I think about
97% of videos, movies, and TV are created for kids.


This show is similar to the work of Stephen King, and draws a lot of inspiration from it. He's one of the few writers who can consistently pull off horror with children or teenagers as protagonists but adult plotlines. I don't know why King's canon is so difficult to make into good movies but Stranger Things is like a perfectly done TV adaptation of one of his novels. Read IT, Hearts in Atlantis, or even The Dark Tower series, and most of the main characters are early teens to young adult, but the books certainly don't read like teen or YA fiction.

This is why ST appeals to such a wide range of viewers. Its teen, young adult, and adult characters are all equally critical to the story, which doesn't condescend to any age group. Those who think its older fans are drawn primarily by nostalgia are getting it wrong. That's just a neat little bonus for those of us who happened to grow up in the 80's. But a retro soundtrack and some pop culture references simply couldn't account for the show's popularity, even among those who didn't.


I know King is a probably a great writer, and I think he is a good man. Politically his heart is in the right place ... and he has great skill at writing .... BUT, i just do not care for his books or the genre. After reading "The Shining" and "The Stand" I soured on his stuff. Then 2 or so years ago I read 11.22.63 ( I think ) and I got involved in it ... it was great ... until about 1/3 of the book. Then it started to get silly and repetetive. I was never so happy to get to the end of a book in my life. It was terrible, and worse was the idiotic mini-series they made out of it ... with pukey James Franco. Ugh ... I guess it's just me, but I don't like that stuff.


Fair enough. If you're not a fan of Stephen King's writing, it makes sense that you wouldn't be too crazy about this show either.

Never read 11.22.63. The Stand was great imo but the ending was anticlimactic after all the buildup. The first half of the Dark Tower series I thought was amazing, although the last half of it was rushed, just not up to the same quality standard - and despite the actors' best efforts the recent movie was disappointing. The 2017 version of IT on the other hand, I thought was well done.


Yes, I think that is one of the things I notice about King's writing. He builds whatever world he is writing about brilliantly, and it sucks you into the story, but I have never really found anything in his stories that satisfies me, even if I do think the worlds are cool. 11.22.63 was brilliant for about the first 1/3, and then it just got creepy. I am a science fiction fan, but I do not like horror, or much horror sci-fi. I do like King as a person, I think he is a smart guy whose done amazing for himself.


I doubt many will agree with you but i do.

I enjoy the nostalgia factor of this but then there are very...kid orientated elements to this show that i couldn't get into. The very end of season two with the ball thing for example, i was cringing like crazy. Felt really awkward seeing kids kiss.

I'm not a kid anymore, nor are the vast majority of viewers of stranger things i would assume, so why pander to kids? Having girl problems in middle school is not something we can relate to anymore. I enjoyed the non kids stuff but it's still a shame i had to endure them fighting over max.

I understand the need for kids in the show but not the need to see kid problems and issues.


great ... nice to be responded to without outright hostility! ;-)
even if movies are not made for kids, or about kids, in most American
movies the adults act like kids, and the plots are so dumbed down
they might as well be. american movies for the most part now are
kind of psychologically constructed to provide some emotional payoff
for the viewers, not to tell a story, inspire or attempy any kind of artistic
or literary statement ... just to sell "soap"


in Stranger Things it's part of the nostalgia... the fans of the show miss being kids... otherwise all of the ghostbusters and other silly references wouldn't work. Adults didn't give a $hit about ghostbusters in the 80s...

but yeah, most movies are made for kids now, partly because adults stopped going to the theatre and torrented their movies for over a decade until Apple TV and Netflix came out with their streaming services at decent prices... it was too late though as the habit of adults going to the cinema was decimated as was the industry practices and teams of directors and producers who were making those movies...

Ths only adults who kept that cinema going habit were horror movie fans, which is why there are still many made and shown in cinema, albeit at a much smaller scale...


Oh, you hit a nerve with me. I lived in a house with a bunch of
college students, whenever Ghostbusters came out, and they thought
it was so cool. I hated that movie, and always hated it. I really
got negative on most movies like that - because they were stupid
and useless and pointless.

Around that time I used to be to on average probably one movie
a week. Today ... I cannot remember back to the last movie I
saw it was so long ago.

I was ... and am today revolted by the psychic reverberations of
even the previews of these horror movies. I remember going to see
a movie that was not even a horror movie, but having to sit through
about 6 horror movie previews, and I almost wanted to leave the
theater when I realize where the money I pay in tickets goes and
what the studios do with it.

I think there may be a lot of subliminal and psychological stuff that
goes into movies that we have no idea about and would really
bug us if we ever sat down and thought about it.

In the early 20th century people went to movies like in Cinema
Paradiso ... to socialize, to get their news, and to see uplifting
movies with some kind of a point. Most of the movies from this
time were pretty good too. Today months go by with nothing I'd
even look forward to on streaming.
