MovieChat Forums > Holidays (2016) Discussion > Father's Day Segment ending

Father's Day Segment ending

Anyone has any idea about the ending? What happened?


I thought the father became a vampire and... well waited all that time for her? But where does the salt come from?

I still liked the segment even if it didn't make much sense to me.


It is this for sure. You guys are missing the part where he says. I have to go meet the young lady. Plus, he is talking to her in the past like he is right there in the present. The cycles of the planets and mixing of side by side dimensions mixed with jumbled crossed paths of time along side the occult is totally Lovecraftian.


I wrote a whole thing on Fathers Day just now in fact. It was good...but DAMN was that ending disappointing. I went onto further detail on my post. PROPS to the Actors however..great work.


I just wanted to mention - there's a part toward the end where the tension is building and she's getting closer to the "dad" and it cuts to her mom calling her...i SO wish they had something with that. I was thinking something like her leaving a voicemail revealing some twist, or texting. Idk, maybe that's corny to some people or expected but it could have been a cool spot for more explanation.

It reminds me of that creepypasta or whatever where it's like "you hear your mom call you from upstairs. As you approach the stairs you hear her in the kitchen" WHATEVER IT IS you know what I mean lol.


Came here to say the acting actress and voice acting of father and daughter on tape. Superb. I will pay to watch this portion as an actual film in cinema but the ending needs work.


The ending was brilliant. No it was not her father, it was not a ghost or alien, it was not a vampire. I can't believe no one understands the ending. Your first problem is asking who it is, when you should be asking what it is. Hint: Listen to what the tape says towards the beginning of the story.

Inger, you must rot, because the times are rotten.


I give up... Spoil it please, you seem to be the only one who "got" the ending.


Pay close attention to what the tape says. Carol is really still just a child. A fatal victim of child abduction doomed in an endless loop reliving being lured by a predator. This is why the predator appears inhuman. In a child's eyes, a predator would seem like a monster. There is no justice in this heinous crime and the victim can be trapped in a recurring hell.

Inger, you must rot, because the times are rotten.


Pay close attention to what the tape says. Carol is really still just a child. A fatal victim of child abduction doomed in an endless loop reliving being lured by a predator. This is why the predator appears inhuman. In a child's eyes, a predator would seem like a monster. There is no justice in this heinous crime and the victim can be trapped in a recurring hell.

Wait... WHAT? How did you come to that conclusion? I keep re-watching so I can listen to the tape again and nowhere do I find anything remotely related to this.


Yea I know, I was just trying to pass off my fan fiction as canon.

But come on, not a bad theory, eh?

Inger, you must rot, because the times are rotten.


That's actually not a bad theory.


Oh my God this short was BLOWING MY MIND... and then it just ended like that.

It's not even necessarily the unanswered questions themselves that make the ending kinda suck (in my opinion) - it's the fact that to me, the whole short felt like it was really subtly building up to something and it really naturally slowly makes it dawn on you what exactly is going on... but then the dawning just stopped and we got spooked and that was it.

It's one thing if your story has unanswered questions. It's another if the reason why your short is so fascinating is because it takes you on a journey of realizing something is slowly going awfully wrong... but then it just jumpscares you in the middle of said realization process and it's over.


I wish more people understood this.


Father's Day was a huge disappointment. It was so beautifully shot, mysterious and emotional. Then that ending. I can't even comprehend why they thought that would be a good ending.
