Significance of the final shot?

I felt like we were supposed to take something from that, but I have no idea what.


Me either ... that there is nothing out there? When the woman killed herself I pretty much lost interest. The guy was an idiot.


I thought the guy accidentally killed her rather than her killing herself.


How did you think he killed her? I thought it was clear that the large stain of blood by her wrist was self-induced. I just found it irritating that she did that so fast. But he did almost kill her earlier with the shotgun blast, what an idiot. I'm thinking the story ends with this guy looking at an empty world, or a world that is empty for him, and how he screwed up. It was a pretty depressing movie.

This same lady is the heroine in the Apple series Invasion. It is pretty interesting. Some of the coolest alien effects out there.


I think he only imagined that she recovered from her shotgun wounds.


Oh ... that's interesting. It never occurred to me. I don't remember any cues in the movie that led me to even consider that, but I can be incredibly obtuse on occasion. Was there anything else that made you think that. I thought the wounds were different ... gee, I sure hope I did not miss something as big as that. Do you still think that ... is it possible?

Honestly, I hate when movies do stuff like that, with the exception maybe of The Wizard of Oz, where it was all a dream.


I do still think that, but I agree that it's not my favorite cinematic gimmick.

It's the way the plot is summarized on Wikipedia, not that they never get anything wrong. 🤷‍♂️


Just read the Wikipedia entry. I did not care for its interpretation, especially they said he shot the cat, which I don't recall, or him thinking he got scratched and was waiting to kill himself when he dozed off. I guess I was in and out watching this movie and might have missed some stuff, but that's what made this movie not so good. When a movie has to leave it up to the viewer to figure facts, it's just being lazy. Open to interpretation as to meaning ... fine, but don't go changing realities on me! ;-)


I agree with Wikipedia about the cat (which is pretty wild, people freak out about harm to animals) and about what was happening when he dozed off.


The rooftoops he sees after jumping to the other building are covered in recipients, meaning there are more survivors.


What do you mean by recipients?


Sara was the hero of another story and became a spiritual role model for Sam in regards to moving on, taking risks and practicing self-care while doing good for others. The rooftops and ethereal chiming symbolize an ascension if I may and a carrying on of Sara's journey going from apartment to apartment helping survivors.

The bells literally mean there is a sanctuary out there but the chimneys mean that Sam can take them as side quests and perhaps not go to the sanctuary at all. He has a choice now.


Interesting interpretation.
