MovieChat Forums > The Defenders (2017) Discussion > A Moon Knight Netflix Series

A Moon Knight Netflix Series

What do you guys think?

"You are your own world."


A Moon Knight Netflix Series would be good as long as the Marvel/Netflix original series doesn't Nolanize the live action T.V. series by making him more "grounded" for the damned casuals who don't even really give a f-ck about the canon source material.

The series needs to be about a costumed, super-powered merc who has been both supernaturally-empowered, and enhanced with white magic energy from the ancient Egyptian god of the moon, Khonshu. He is not supposed to be "grounded in reality" and "rooted in realism" like Christopher Nolan's unimaginative Dark Knight trilogy.

Moon Knight (Marcus "Marc" Spector) has been magically-bestowed with supernaturally-enhanced strength, enabling him to lift (press) approximately 2 tons under optimal conditions whenever the moon is full. His series needs to be similar to his first appearance and origin in Werewolf By Night in the 1970s, and his mercenary adventures in his own comic book in the 1980s. His crime fighting career as a soldier of fortune, a vigilante and a werewolf hunter needs to be like a combination of Warren Murphy and Richard Sapir's 1971 novel The Destroyer featuring their U.S. government operative character Remo Williams, Robert Ludlum's 1980 novel The Bourne Identity and Eric Van Lustbader's 1980 novel The Ninja.

Moon Knight can't be a television show that has him without any kind of magical superhuman physical powers like his enhanced human strength during the full moon. He must be a person who is shown to be willing to kill his arch-enemies just like the vigilantes Jessica Jones and the Punisher. He can't be just another anti-hero like Daredevil. His fighting skills, and his special skills and abilities must be equal, if not superior, to Daredevil, and even the professional adventurer and professional crime fighter Luke Cage. Moon Knight fights professional criminals who are costumed, super-powered super-villains. But he does it for a price. So he is supposed to be only associated with costumed, super-powered super heroes if the assigned mission demands it.

His presence in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is going to introduce the dark, grim and gritty world of mercs who are ex-military personnel just as well as the supernatural. His first appearance and origin in the M.C.U. will be just as big as the introduction of the Punisher (Frank Castle) in the series of Daredevil. But it will only work if he is just as imposing, intimidating and otherworldly as he is in the Marvel Comics comic books. To try to just make him a normal, ordinary human being who only possesses extremely scientifically advanced weapons and paraphernalia, with no magical connection to Khonshu, would be a big mistake on the part of Marvel/Netflix.


Thank you so much for the insight! I didn't know much about moon knight until recently. Thanks! So would a moon knight show be very graphic like the daredevil show or would it be more pg-13?

"You are your own world."


You're welcome. I'm glad that I could give you some good information on one of the best comic book characters from Marvel Comics ever. As far as his Marvel/Netflix original series would be, yes, although it is technically unrated, it would be the equivalent of a live action movie that is Rated R or the equivalent of a live action Cable T.V. series that is Rated T.V.-M.A.

Moon Knight would be an action-adventure, a crime drama, a dark, adult fantasy, a horror and a science-fiction show. It would be also even be a sci-fi television show that has splatterpunk elements in the story. He has a best friend, business partner and partner-in-crime fighting nicknamed "Frenchie", and a lover named Marlene Alraune. He is an ally of the Werewolf Jack Russell. His main arch-enemy is the both crazy, and evil costumed merc code-named Bushman. Bushman was formerly his partner-in-crime before Marc Spector had turned good.

Moon Knight is the Moon's Knight of Vengeance, the Fist of Khonshu, the ancient Egyptian god of the moon, justice and revenge. He used to have aliases and alternate identities. He was formerly Steve Grant, a wealthy businessman, and Jake Lockley, a taxi cab driver, but he stopped using those other names, and lives when they began to become multiple personalities.

Moon Knight is a series that would have to contain scenes of adult themes, nudity, sexual situations, strong language, suggestive dialogue and violence. It would be suggested for mature audiences only. To try to tone it down would be stupid and idiotic because Marvel/Netflix original series are deliberately designed to be for adults only. Viewer's discretion is supposed to be strongly advised because these series are purposefully made so that they are not for the easily offended, or the extremely squeamish.


Moon Knight is my second favorite Marvel character, and hopefully they do create a show of him. After the success of Daredevil, I began to keep an eye out for a Moon Knight announcement.


how popular is he for Netflix to launch a series about him?


Comparable to Iron Fist, I guess.

Also, this:


Or Jessica Jones?

I think Moon Knight has had more comic series than Iron First has.


True but you're still more likely to see Iron Fist pop up during crossovers. And he was on the team in the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon.

Though that could be because Moon Knight has a connection to an Egyptian deity while being the son of a Rabbi, who knows?

Jessica Jones was a different beast. It made a splash right away.

Also, this:


I think Moon Knight would work better as a movie. A Moon Knight movie needs good effects and I don't think Netflix series have the budget for really good effects. Moon Knight needs to be a movie and have some size to it. He needs to be treated like Batman.


Why would Moon Knight have more effects than Daredevil and Luke Cage?

He's basically Jason Bourne splitting his time being Bruce Wayne, "Matches" Malone and Batman. What you want good effects for is when using the glider cape and when fighting the odd powerful supervillain and I don't think that would break their budget.

Also, this:


Season 1 could even copy somewhat of a Daredevil story arch formula. Have flashbacks to his early life, becoming a soldier, mercenary, culminating with his fight with Bushman, death and rebirth.

The series then has him progressing into the costume hero we see, as he adds more to his costume. It ends with him getting his entire costume figured out, confronts and kills Bushman (and takes his face).


Season 1 could even copy somewhat of a Daredevil story arch formula. Have flashbacks to his early life, becoming a soldier, mercenary, culminating with his fight with Bushman, death and rebirth.
True but I guess Arrow would be the more apt comparion.

The series then has him progressing into the costume hero we see, as he adds more to his costume. It ends with him getting his entire costume figured out
I'd watch that.

confronts and kills Bushman (and takes his face).

Whoa, way to skip straight to the modern storyline. Let's just have Daredevil lead the Hand or something in the S1 finale of Daredevil.

Also, this:


Someone put in ideas for the Moon Knight series. I have a link below for us to put in ideas for the MCU.


The selling point of the Moon Knight character is his schizophrenia. Without that, he is Batman with a moon gimmick. The best comic to base a series on would be either Bendis's run or the more recent one in which he is institutionalized. I'd watch it .... depending on the writer/director.
