MovieChat Forums > The Gift (2015) Discussion > Robin marriage commitment seems so fake ...

Robin marriage commitment seems so fake (or weak)

I am not sure if it was mentioned before, but it seemed extremely unnatural that a loving wife who just had a baby with her husband would leave her husband because of these reasons mentioned in the movie

I've witnessed a lot of couple with a lot bigger issues, and still the couple stayed together nevertheless

Come on, you love someone not because of something but in spite of something. So her husband was a bullie on school, so her husband beat the crap of this annoying guy who barged into their lives and was screwing with their heads and caused a lot of discomfort.

And would anybody believe a loving woman would leave her man because of those ridiculous reasons.

So the guy is a bullie, but she married him that way, she loved him that way. They've been together for a decade or so. She knew exactly what kind of person he was. That was the way she accepted him.

The guy wasn't cheating on her, the guy wasn't abusive, he provided a good life style for her, he loved her, and she is leaving him because he was a bully in high school and because he was not honest about something toward someone else

This is just unrealistic, or she never loved him, and the guy should be happy he doesn't have this wife anymore


Simon is not just a bully but a sociopath. Sociopaths are known for pulling off this charming persona and trick even their loved one for years on end. Robyn had just realized thanks to Gordon that she didn't really know anything about Simon and this stranger she married wasn't exactly someone she wanted near her child. Maybe she would have been willing to try working things out had they been just the two of them, but being a mother usually changes priorities.


I think that a lot of people didn't catch the subtle clues (some of which weren't that subtle) that he pretty much was Gaslighting her throughout their marriage. I would figure it went down something like this: She had a miscarriage after trying to have a baby...but as she had her much more successful business than he did...him, being the narcissistic sociopath he was...started harping on her about it. In order to deal with it all, she turned for help from a psychiatrist/therapist who put her on some meds so she could sleep at least (she does say to him that those meds she took were only to sleep and that she never took them during the day). At the parties they went to, she clearly abstained from alcohol as i'm sure he made her out to be totally unstable and not able to cope...and how she had to turn to alcohol and drugs...even if she didn't abuse either.

He got a job offer which would force her to leave hers in the city but he "assured" her she could just do it remotely. He had no desire for her to be more successful...and he only climbed the corporate ladder by having made up dirt (as was evidenced by what he did to poor Donny MacDonald) on other people.

Whenever he complimented her...he made sure to follow the line up with something that would resonate that made it look like she would again doubt her mental stability (gaslighting).

Yes, she totally loved him. Yes, she was the female Gordo/Weirdo in school as he even threw that in her face. Heaven knows what else she confided in him that he would periodically throw in her face but I bet there was a lot. I had been married to someone for 28 years, and a good 21 of them he was Gaslighting me. No fun. One day you do "wake up" -- she woke up in time to spare her child the same future.
