MovieChat Forums > The Gift (2015) Discussion > Gordo should have simply dealt with his ...

Gordo should have simply dealt with his own life

I just finished this movie. My thoughts may upset a lot of people but this is how I feel. Although I don't agree with bullying anyone or telling absurd lies about someone - I think we have to realize this is something (meaning what Simon did) that happened in high school- probably close to 30 years ago. It seemed to me Gordo was blaming his own failures in life on Simon. Well, I'm sorry, but IMO Gordo needed to grow up a bit. I never cared for people that would blame their failures in life on someone else. Not condoning what Simon did - but hey, what 18 year old kid hasn't done something really crappy in life?? My feeling was the one that really deserved to be PO'd was the coworker that Simon lied about. Now if I was that guy - yeah, Id be out for revenge big time. But if Im Gordo, well, if I saw Simon, I might be tempted to smack him around a bit - but to be bothered enough to go out of my way to ruin his life? Over something that happened in high school? No, I dont think so. I think only a loser in life looking to blame someone for their own mistakes would do that. Anyway, thats my take - love to hear others. SHould also add, for whatever its worth, I did like the movie. Didnt blow me away or anything but it was definitely worth a look.


Don't you the irony in sounding exactly like Simon?
Aren't you aware of how much bullying can mess someone up for forever?
I mean if there's any message the movie wants to set out it's exactly that.


This thread is kind of pointless. It's like going to The Silence of the Lambs board and starting a thread saying Hannibal shouldn't have killed people.


Gordo was just the kind of guy who stayed a loser from high school. His job was hosting a game at a bar. That's proof. He also was not mentally stable. Quite evident there too. He couldn't let go of his past.

"What would you like to see on your honeymoon, Mrs. Cord?"
"Lots of lovely ceilings."


I think poor Gordo had emotional problems before the rumors Simon spread and obviously he didn't come from a happy home life.

I'm sure the trauma he suffered at Simon's hands was more than he could deal with. It's a shame he never got the help he needed. Years later, he is still angry about it. I can't say as I blame him but there might have been another way to deal with the anger.

I'm not sure how different his life would have been with or without Simon - he had a lot of issues that were never dealt with. I do think he was trying to deal with his life when he befriended Simon. He went too far with it. He was someone who needed help and love and he didn't get it anywhere. And who knows? Perhaps what happened to Simon gave him enough satisfaction that he could move on.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that no one can ruin your life unless you let them. Then they win. But a damaged person can't be expected to know that unless they get counseling of some sort and realize it.


I know this is a very old thread, but I just saw the film...and I wanted to point something out which I thought was the case.

I don't think Gordo originally set out to ruin Bateman's life. I think he ran into him either by seeing him in the store or maybe following him into there after recognizing him on the street. I mean it was basically close to where they both grew up. I think he was figuring that Bateman would have said, "Oh, geez...I am so sorry for what I did when I was in school...I was an idiot and glad I'm not a jerk anymore...yadda yadda..." but with a sincere apology that was made because he, Bateman, grew up and wasn't like that as he matured. But...Gordo seeing the Gordo/Weirdo note in the kitchen just brought back all bad memories and the realization that the guy was still a jerk in all likelihood. THEN is when he set about getting back at him...but never to get back at his wife as his wife was sympathetic to him and they both probably had longer talks when he came by the few times and all. I mean they weren't going to show all the dialogue when he was hooking up their TV to get it to work and all...but I figure he realized she was a nice person; Bateman, however, was not.

The lure to the rich peoples' house with the audio recorded cemented the fact that he's a horrible person and probably lied his way climbing the corporate ladder.

Gordo also would never have raped her as he liked and respected her too much and never wanted anything bad to happen to her. I also believe that Gordo went back into the house after Bateman was having his hospital meltdown to retrieve the CDs so there was no evidence that Bateman could show his wife. It will just always be in his mind. Does he ask the doctors to do a blood draw so he can do a DNA check? I mean when exactly DO you bring that up to anyone? Or does it fester in your little horrid lying narcissistic sociopath brain? I think it festers. I'm thinking Gordo is banking on that.
