Coming from a casual fan

I didn’t think this movie was great at all.It was nothing special like some people made it out to be.And holy crap is there a scene without any cgi?lol


I was bored. I left the theater a couple times just to walk around.

The people I went to the movie with seemed to have fun. Two of them didn't know about the end and they were pretty upset.


I really didn't like it. I haven't even bothered to watch it a second time. It's just non stop stuff. Well, I really liked the Spider-man scenes. They're doing Spider-Man real good. I know i'm in the minority but I think the Russo brothers are absolutely shit story tellers. They're great filmmakers, no doubt about it. Their technical craft is on point. But they don't make good movies. Not to my tastes anyhow. Franchise peaked with the first Avengers movie. They'll never top it.
