what Trailers you get?


Johnny English 3 - think people were thinking it was Bond or M:I6 when first on (I sort of did anyway), a few lols esp at the end

Incredibles 2 - there was a few kids in the audiences and they seemed excited. a few lols etc

Oceans 8 - met with bored stony silence

Jurassic World 2 (with Goldblum intro) - met with excitement. you can sort of tell when the audience is excited about a movie - couple of 'wow's'/'we are def gonna see that!'s after the trailer. think having Goldblum back in the Jurassic franchise and in the trailers is kind of a big deal (abit like Ford in TFA but not as big as that obviously) it adds abit more legitimacy to it, its like now this is *real* Jurassic Park movie

no Solo which was surprising (don't think seen a Solo trailer on the big screen yet)





Incredibles 2, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom, Mission: Impossible - Fallout, Venom
