MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Infinity War (2018) Discussion > Audio during Marvel logo was chills-indu...

Audio during Marvel logo was chills-inducing. I knew the movie wasn't f****** around

This is the Asgardian refugee vessel Statesman…We are under assault. I repeat, we are under assault. Engines are dead. Life support failing. Requesting aid from any vessel within range…Our crew is made up of Asgardian families, we have very few soldiers here. This is not a warcraft. I repeat, this is ... "*static*


From the desperation on display at the beginning to the eerie, haunting sound and visual effects that accompanied the deaths at the end, the film was emotionally a non-stop ride. Downey conveyed a sense of uncertainty and helplessness when deciding whether to face Thanos on earth or Titan, Cumberbatch was convincing in his "end game" moment, where you knew he was hoping he'd made the right choices. No one dialed it in. And don't even start on Thor-- Hemsworth is an amazing actor, in such an effortless way that you almost don't notice. He goes from wit to stoicism in a heartbeat, and he really steals the film.


Wit to stoicism ... to vulnerability

I don’t think Hemsworth had ever shown Thor so vulnerable and desperate before - Aussie’s got game!


The one that always does it for me is Chris Evans. He didn't get as much as the others, but some of the looks he gave Nat and T'Challa were dead serious. Loved his charging in to the battle with the outliers. He and T'Challa were the first to strike.


Chris Evans "oh, God" was perfect. Very simple but said everything that needed to be said in that moment.


Yep. I go see the film again on Tuesday and will love it just as much then as I loved it on Friday. That "Oh God" was devastating and how he delivered it was heartbreaking when he knew what it all meant.


Absolutely. The beginning was incredible. The whole theater was silent as soon as we realized what kind of movie this was going to be. It never stopped either. There were funny moments but the heart of the movie was heartbreak, vulnerability, impossible decisions, and the slow realization that they lost this fight.


Trivia fact: That bit of dialogue was done by Kenneth Branagh who directed the first Thor film. Apropos I say.


I love that. It really brings the Thor story line full circle. In a very devastating way, haha.
